Showing posts with label Cool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool. Show all posts

January 20, 2015

Superhero Socks

Thought these socks were pretty cool.


We are living in an age with potential for great upheaval whether from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, bigotry and social inequality, national debts and unpaid social entitlements, poverty and pandemics, global warming and environmentally unsustainable practices, and the clash of Western and Eastern civilizations. 

Thank G-d for advances in technology and innovation to help address these huge challenges of our time. 

However, whoever is portraying everything as all rosy or telling you to just be optimistic and all will be well--they're feeding you a bunch of you know what!

We need a superhero/Messiah leader to come help us save the day and these socks would be perfect for their arrival. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 18, 2015

Barbie Pants Or Real Life

My daughter took this photo of the sales attendant in the clothing store. 

Her outfit was really cool--not sure the photo can do it justice. 

She had these black pants that had these cool cutouts along the sides in the large diamond shapes. 

So you had a combination of discrete pants with a little flair too (but not too much). 

Overall with the boots and double shirts, it was a very fashionable outfit. 

When we asked where she got the pants from, she said the very store we were in, so that was a good selling point too. 

Let's just say we left some money behind in this store. ;-)

(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal)

January 17, 2015

Almost Started A Food Fight

So something has gotten into me the last few days...

Tonight, motzei Shabbos, and we're at the kosher Pizza store. 

There is a table next to us with some semi-rowdy boys and girls. 

We're sitting there minding our own business--really--when all of a sudden I get a spit ball (yes, a spit ball) right in my ear. 

I look over at the kids and this guy is opening a Toblerone chocolate and smirks and says, "Oh, sorry" and goes back to his friends laughing at what they did. 

So my wife is eating her seasoned fries, and I pick up a long one at the end, and am holding it--and all of a sudden, i don't know what happened, but the fry just flicks out of my hand and up into the air.

My wife and daughter and I just stare at each OMG, you didn't! 

But I did and then a girl at the next table shrieks as the fry hits her in the head and she's looking accusingly at the boys at her table asking, "Who did that?"

We're still sitting sort of frozen staring at each other, holding in our laughter. 

The store manager comes over to the kids and starts yelling at them about throwing fries around the store. 

At which point, we couldn't contain our reaction anymore and started cracking up. 

I think the kids at the next table figured it out. 

My daughter who thought these kids were so obnoxious goes to me, "That was so cool Dad!"

So what is going on with me lately...not sure, but I think I like it. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 19, 2014

Cool Cat

So yesterday I was coming home from the fitness center/pool.

I was wearing shorts and pool shoes even though it was only in the 30's-40's temperature out. 

This large man with a Texas accent stops me to ask how I can dress like that around Winter time.

And it's particularly funny, because there is another man overhearing this conversation next to us wrapped up in no less than 2 coats/layers.

So I say in a lighthearted way "I guess that I just have warm blood, so the temperature doesn't really bother me."

He says, "Uh, in Florida, when it goes into the 60's, people start shivering and bundling up down there."

I smile, and say "Well maybe we're just different people."

Then he goes, "I like that--I like people that think different! You know why, [and he pauses and repeats again] you know why?"

I look at him sort of eyes wide open at this point waiting to hear his explanation to the build up. 

And he says, "Because it means they don't give a sh*t what other people think!"

At that point we both started nodding and laughing. 

Maybe you had to be there, but I think you can probably envision this sort of nutty scene.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 18, 2014

Yo Mama!

Thought this was cool.

This guy's bright orange bag on the Metro this morning says:

"Hello My Name Is"

And he wrote in "Ask Yo MAMA!!"

How 1960s, yet very present day.

It also matches his orange and white hat and white BEATS earphones and orange coat. 

It speaks volumes...I like it! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 6, 2014

Dress With Air Conditioning

This was a very cool outfit, indeed. 

This lady in Florida is wearing a dress that is closed/covered up in front, but open--except for these threads, literally--in the behind.

I am fairly sure this was not cheap and someone definitely put a lot of thought into designing it. 

It certainly gets some attention as it's a little unexpected.

Anyway, she was actually a very nice lady who helped me with some ties. 

A good dresser too.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 1, 2014

Exclamation, No Point

Thought this guy had a really interesting shirt...

Just an exclamation mark (nothing else)!

But what's the point of the exclamation mark?

An exclamation mark denotes emphasis--but on what is the emphasis here--is it just on him as a person?

I like the says I feel strongly...I am human, and things have meaning to me.

I guess if you want to know the details about what he feels strongly about, you'd have to get to know him better or ask.

Maybe that's the point, the exclamation is that I am worth getting to life has emphasis and meaning...just check me out. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 27, 2014

Cool Cat Innovation

This is pretty in pink, amazing. 

Look closely at this cat.

The cat is made of full sticks of Crayola Crayons (literally).

The crayons are vertical--base down and point up.

It's brilliant rather than using the crayons to draw, the artist used the crayons themselves to put together a colorful cat (I also saw he made a dog and a guitar like this).

Very creative...novel...a different way of thinking. 

We need this cool cat thinking, and from everyone, to drive to solutions and for a brighter future--we can! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 4, 2014

My Favorite Couch

This couch is awesome. 

I took this photo in Tyson's Corner many moons ago. 

If anyone knows where to get this couch, please let me know.

I want it--really!  ;-)

November 3, 2014

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana

Took this photo of this very cool looking Orange Fridge.

It actually comes in all sort of vibrant colors including pink, blue, and even "Union Jack."

Made by an Italian appliance maker called SMEG, whose tag line is "Technology with style."

I like technology, and I like this is great stuff!

For home and Museum of Modern Art. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 1, 2014

Swarovski's Crystal Balls

This seemed like a cool shot in the Swarovski store.

Crystal balls hanging in a display case. 

Purples, pinks, greens, and more. 

Feels fanciful and otherworld-ish. 

These aren't the type you look in and see the future, unless you want to see more of the same crap we are in as a society today.

Well, hopefully, please G-d, things will be getting better soon.

And as long as these all don't start swinging...I won't need to puke!

P.S. After reading this one with a double entendre, my wife says I'm sort of a crazy guy...but funny!  

So what's wrong with having some fun and being a little provocative? ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 13, 2014

Purple Hair Day

This lady in line at Starbucks apparently likes purple, a lot. 

It seems a pretty common favorite among many women.

One that I know claims she ALWAYS wears something with purple.

When I saw her a couple of times seemingly without any purple clothing or accessories, I asked innocently, "So no purple today?"

She replied with a big grin, "Oh, it's there!"

Yikes, TMI--don't ask so many questions. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 8, 2014

The All American Shoe

Ok, so this is a very cool shoe.

I'm in Ft. Lauderdale, and I came across this shoe.

No straps, no buckles, no bows, no ties, no tassels, no sparkles.

Just this woven American flag--prominent and proud. 

Thought this was pretty cool. 

Maybe there is a time for pretty shoes on the runway, and boots on the ground to defend our nation. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 1, 2014

Pants Down

My question of the day, and I know it's the fashion and a lot of people do it, but why do they want to wear their pants this far down?

Maybe, I am just getting old and not so cool (anymore), but this looks mighty uncomfortable to me. 

Also, how do those things not just fall completely off?  

All the more power to them. ;-)

September 23, 2014

What Are You Looking At

So what does this fashion statement mean?

- I have eyes in the back of my head.

- I'm too cool for my sunglasses.

- I dare you to try and snatch these new designer shades.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 7, 2014

That 70's Chandelier

So what can I say...I like this crazy pink 70's chandelier. 

It is not traditional, certainly.

But it is colorful, cool, and happy.

It needs the right furniture and wall accessories so as not to look cheap.

Feminine trendy and hippie nostalgia come together to light up the place.

Definitely not for everyone, but it's distinctive and makes you look--and that's the point. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 4, 2014

Bicycle Star Of David

So not sure this is the most respectful place to put a Star of David.

But with the traditional colors--white and blue--of the flag of Israel, I think I see the effect they were trying to get here. 

Also, notice the blue and white rims of the wheels and handlebars.

Interesting portrayal on a bicycle--chalk one up for creativity. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 6, 2014

World's Fastest Bicycle "Egg"

This human powered bicycle is so cool--and fast!

It is called the ETA (or "Banana Bike") and is being designed by AeroVelo, University of Toronto engineering graduates and students.

These are the same folks that created the award-winning Atlas human-powered helicopter. 

The ETA is expected to reach over 87 mph, thereby breaking the human-powered land speed record of 83.1 mph.

The bicycle mechanics are being enclosed in an egg-shaped aerodynamic shell and it will be powered by a single person doing the pedaling. 

A combination of the movie Tron and the 1970's sitcom Mork & Mindy, it offers the potential for an environmentally friendly way to get around town and some nice fat-burning exercise too. ;-)

(Source Screenshot: here with attribution to BusinessWeek)


May 5, 2014

Don't Swim Off Your Balcony

Amazing new dual 37 story residential towers in Mumbai, India called the Aquaria Grande.

And it balcony pools!

I doubt you can do laps in these things, but maybe nice just to cool off and enjoy your luxury living arrangements.

Wonder if this up to building code?

Also, if you don't swim, can you use it as an aquarium or perhaps for catching the fish of the day?  ;-)

(Thanks to Dave Zeppieri, Sr. for the post on Facebook)

April 20, 2014

Swim ~ Splash ~ Swim

At the pool this morning, the fresh clean water was pouring in.

Swimming in the hot sun, I headed straight for the cool splash.

The water was frothing white against the blue background.

As it hit the pool, it created this amazing bubbling beneath the surface.

I swam under it a number of times and came up through the bubbling fresh water. 

Sort of felt like I was swimming in a waterfall in the Amazon or something exotic like that. 

Hey, I can imagine...but it really was amazing with the water, the sun, the air--felt so alive!

I am thankful to G-d for allowing me this wonderful moment today to feel his beauty in the world. 

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)