Showing posts with label Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue. Show all posts

August 3, 2020

Now That's A Deck Chair

Love this new deck chair, finally!

Life is good!

Keep it simple!

Have a pillow to match.  

Last chair in stock.  

Grabbed the floor model. 

Reminds me of the Patagonia brand.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 27, 2020

Wow, Not Bad For A Toy

A toy is a toy and this one really is, but a Porsche is not a toy! 

Design is an art, whether for cars, homes, fashion, and more. 

Those that get design right make things not only functional, but incredibly beautiful. 

And when function and design come together in perfect harmony that is no toy! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 15, 2020

C Stands For Couch

What a cool design for a recreational space.

C stands for Couch.

And a big red one one it is.

Some blue chairs on the periphery.

And a little dot coffee table in the center.

The fake greenery on the wall is kludgy, but we know what they were trying to say.

Overall, a nice welcoming space.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 10, 2020

Her Bike, His Tires

I really like the look of this simple bike. 

The pink frame for her. 

The blue tires for him.

This bike is unisex and a standout!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 29, 2020

Boots Of Many Colors

Similar to Joseph and The Technicolor Dreamcoat, these boots come in a virtual rainbow of colors. 

Honestly, not sure who would actually wear something like these. 

I think them gaudy except as a sweeping fashion statement by someone fairly spectacular who could carry it off. 

Perhaps another show featuring the dancing Rockettes, doing the long row of eye-high kicks could be quite a sight in a managerie of these colorful boots rising and falling. 

Kick 1-2-3.  Higher and higher.  Red, yellow, and blue.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 19, 2020

Bowl Set Adorable

Wow, what an adorable bowl set. 

Eat bowl has a part of the lady on it. 

Stack them up and you see her in her red dress and blue hair. 

Put them up in the wrong order and she may end up all messed up. 

Either way the food will taste the same.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 2, 2019

Ocean Waves Electric

Thought this was pretty cool at the Boca Museum of Art.

Electronic Ocean Waves. 

Mesmerizing and calming.

And all in bits and bytes. 

They also had a display of black and white photos of the ocean waves. 

But it was a little too sterile for me. 

I like nature and nurture in perfect harmony.  ;-)

(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)


November 14, 2019

D.C. Living

I can't believe this home is in Washington, D.C.

More like Florida.

All we need is a palm tree or two.

Plus a little pool in the back. 

And we're good! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 18, 2019

Check Out Those Rims

Wow, this was some car that I saw in Florida. 

Pimp my ride! LOL

Check out those awesome gold rims with this blue "oldies" car. 

This was definitely a standout even down there where there are plenty of Bentleys and Lamborghinis driving around. 

The owner of the car gave me a big thumbs up when I tool this photo. 

Hope you enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 5, 2019

Shabbat Shalom Baby!

Shabbat Shalom Baby!

(Source Graphic: Adapted by Andy Blumenthal from Miami Neo-Pop Artist, Mr. Babes)


June 7, 2019

Panorama: Ocean and Beach

Thought this was pretty cool...

Panorama of Ocean and Beach.

Made it look the the ocean is in between the beach.

Love the "special effect."

Feels a little like Moshes who led the Israelites through the (Red) Sea.

Anyway, nice to get away a little and see life through a different lens. ;-)

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach! 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 7, 2018

Feeling Blue, Feel Better

Life is filled with so many wonderful marvels and joys--thank you G-d!

Yet interspersed is what feels like a series of non-ending life challenges. 

Yes, of course we wouldn't recognize or appreciate the good, if we didn't have the bad to compare it to. 

But just when you think you've gotten through one obstacle and are cruising nicely down Life Lane, then it seems like it's time for the next speed bump.

I know that having faith through thick and thin is a huge part of it. 

Also, challenging oneself to be strong and work through the next life dilemma. 

Sure, not everything is life and death, thank G-d.  

But even daily upsets can be frustrating.

I know inside though that in a weird sense, this is really what life is all about. 

It's not paradise we are living in--that comes later when we get our angel wings!

This is a world that challenges, teaches, and grows us. 

We are not here just to have a merry 'ol good time day in and day out. 

While that may be nice for a while, it would get pretty tiresome and pointless. 

Life is like a puzzle--a very big puzzle--and we are here to help solve it and in the process, we have the opportunity to become better souls for it.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 3, 2018

The Nicest Blossoms Ever

So I almost never do this. 

Posting about the same thing twice in a short period. 

But this is an exception. 

The Cherry Blossoms this year are the nicest I have ever seen them. 

Hopefully, this is a sign of blessings from G-d.

The world is blossoming and hopefully so is our fortune. 

May G-d have mercy on the good people. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 16, 2018

Miami Blue Porsche

Wow, I fell in love with this Porsche 718 Cayman. 

Blue like the sky and ocean in Miami.

I got my eye on this one!

Now if only my wife would see the wisdom in why I absolutely need this!

Anyway, I can enjoy the photo and dream for now. ;-)

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

December 26, 2016

Special Blue Bird

Just wanted to share a photo I took of this beautiful blue bird that I came across in Florida. 

This bird was something special. 

I couldn't help admiring his amazingly blue feathers punctuated by the yellow around his smart eyes 

He wasn't the only beautiful animal or flower that we saw there, there were many.

They all just left me in wonderment at the unbelievable beauty that G-d created for us in this world.

No one is going to tell me this is all random by evolution, and that there is not a profoundly wise and all-knowing Maker behind it.

Perhaps, we never really left the physical Garden of Eden, but being expelled from there meant more of a mentality where we have to work and fight hard to keep it all pristine.

Mankind's inclination is to take and use abundantly almost without thought as to the sustainability of his actions.

- Cities expand and encroach on natural rural areas. 

- G-d's beautiful creatures are in retreat and often in danger of extinction. 

- Resources are used willy nilly as we dig and dig, chop and chop, and burn and burn. 

- Garbage is expelled and piles up virtually anywhere and everywhere.

- Pollution fills the land, air, and waterways.

Eden is still here, but people must act more like angels and less like snakes if G-d gracious gifts to us are to survive. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 28, 2015

Eye On Jacket

I took this photo of a women's jacket with a big blue eye on on the back. 

Thought this design was truly eye-catching!

Wonder how many women out there would actually wear something like this.

Is this alluring or freakish?

Got to love fashion, especially when it pushes the bounds and makes us take a second look or think about how cool is that.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 22, 2015

Very Blue Boots

The kids hit the shoe store on the weekend.

Shoes and bags are always favorites.

Anyway, one tried on these cool blue boots. 

The other one took the photo. 

Yes, hip and stylish--alhough didn't actually buy them--maybe just a little too much blue (almost like a blueberry)!

What's next in the fashion world? ;-)

(Source Photo: The Blumenthals)
