Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts

April 11, 2021

Never A Doubt: Not An Inch

 Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Never A Doubt: Not An Inch."

In an effort to make peace with the Palestinians, some perhaps well-meaning politicians have attempted to negotiate to give away parts of the holy land of Israel, and this is a big mistake. In contrast to these politicians and some diehard “peaceniks” (i.e. who believe in peace at almost any cost), there are many people in Israel, from Zionists and nationalists to settlers, messianists, and the religious who maintain a deep underlying faith that the land of Israel, in its entirety, belongs to the Jewish people. Moreover, they trust that our current and miraculous possession of Israel, after 2,000 years of exile, is anchored in our transition from helpless, stateless, and victimized Jews to instead those of self-reliance, bold action, and faith in the Almighty that we are living in the times of redemption and Mashiach.

It’s not easy to stand firm in the face of delegitimization, boycotts, terrorism, and even war. For Jews, it’s a matter of faith over fear. If we have faith that G-d has brought us back to Israel and that he will not forsake us, then we will neither fear the absurdly biased resolutions of the crooked United Nations or the nations and their terror proxies roundabout that have sought our destruction. In the end, G-d decides, and not man, the fate of Israel and its people, and let it be for blessings only.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 17, 2021

Fiery Star of David

Sharing this beautiful Magen David (Star of David). 

Saw it on Facebook and thought it's really dazzling!

Man, we're on fire  and in a good way--rebirth after the horrors of the Holocaust, redemption to and flourishing of the Promised Land of Israel, and what looks like many more incredible things to come.

Hence, my reading of the three stars: our past, present, and future. 

G-d's plan for the world is happening, and it's hopefully very bright indeed.  ;-)


March 5, 2021

The ICC: Latest Salvo In The War Against Israel

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel, called "The ICC: Latest Salvo In The War Against Israel."

From Palestinian riots to revolts, from Palestinians engaging in a civil war against Jews to the Arab League nation-states waging an all-out war against Israel, from Palestinian organized terrorism to raging intifadas, from the Palestinians driving United Nations resolutions to International Criminal Court investigations of Israel, the Palestinians are waging an endless war against Israel, rejecting numerous offers of peace for their people’s autonomy and self-determination.
Through never-ending Palestinian rejection of one peace proposal after another, and instead choosing to have “all or nothing” of Palestine, the Palestinians have embraced armed and violent struggle as well as economic, political, and judicial warfare against Israel. Unfortunately, the Jewish people will need to continue in their ultimate struggle for survival. After 2,000 years of Jewish exile, and suffering under incessant persecution, inquisitions, expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust, even now with the State of Israel, the one Jewish homeland and our refuge, the attacks continue against us from Palestinians choosing to wage an endless, bitter war instead of looking to make a lasting, beautiful peace.

(Credit Photo: Pixabay Free Images)


January 30, 2021

Faith and Fight in Defense of Israel

 Please see my new article in The Times of Israel, called "Faith and Fight in Defense of Israel."

From Amalek to Iran, Israel can never be caught off-guard again and this means both operationally as well as from mistaken assumptions and thinking. Operationally, we need to always have the best technology, intelligence, planning, and training, as well as continually test those with Red Teaming to simulate enemy attacks and our readiness to counter with winning defensive and offensive operations. Moreover, we need to be on our guard in our thinking, as former Prime Minister Ehud Barak says in his book, My Country, My Life, that when he became head of Aman (Defense Intelligence), he sought to address the problem of misperceptions, overconfidence, and groupthink by strengthening “a unit whose sole function was to play devil’s advocate.” They would begin “with the opposite conclusion, and through a competing analysis of data and logical argument, try to prove it.”

Just as when we left Egyptian servitude, we defeated Amalek through a combination of our faith and fight, so too we will be successful in defeating those that threaten the modern State of Israel. Like Moses we all must turn to Hashem, and like Joshua, the Israel Defense Forces must stand ready to defeat all our enemies, as many times as it takes, to achieve a secure and lasting peace.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 26, 2020

That's Called Living

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "That's Called Living."

I was overjoyed this week when the IDF captured the sick murderer of Esther Horgan. Esther, a wife and mother of six children, was jogging in the forest near her settlement of Tal Menashe in Shomron, when the bloodthirsty Palestinian attacker in waiting came upon her and smashed her head in with a rock.

Thank G-d, now there are over 400,000 settlers in the West Bank and another 200,000 around East Jerusalem. Esther Horgan and her family represent the best of the Jewish people giving of themselves, and putting themselves at the front line, in order to fulfill G-d's commandment to us to settle the land and safeguard the country for the rest of the Jewish people.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 29, 2020

Someone's Always Watching

These days someone is always watching.

Whether someone is peering at you from upstairs or around the corner.

Or there is a surveillance camera.

Or someone is recording you on their smartphone. 

You are never really alone. 

And even IF, and that's a big if, that no one person is watching.

Remember that G-d above still sees everything!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 


October 10, 2020

Forever Together: Peace and Security

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Forever Together: Peace and Security."

For Israel, we’re turning the corner towards peace and how wonderful it is, yet even as we do, we must never relax on the safety and security of our people.

Yes, in earnest, we hope for peace, we crave it, and we even sacrifice (sometimes painfully) for it, but also we know that we must safeguard that peace and our lives though the best, most advanced and relentless security, in case that often illusive and miraculously achieved peace at any time fails or falters. Strength, along with undying faith in the Almighty, is the constant and enduring safeguard of the peace that we so yearn for with our every fiber. This is why peace and security must always go hand-in-hand together.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 2, 2020

Sukkot: A Time of Divine Protection

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Sukkot: A Time of Divine Protection."

Sukkot is the Jewish Festival of Shelter and of Ingathering.  

In these challenging times of coronavirus and before this eventful election, more than usual, we need G-d’s blessings to shelter and protect us, and to bless both the United States of America and the State of Israel that they should be safe for all of us and that the “ingathering” be not only of the harvest, but of all the exiles from the four corners of the earth to G-d’s Promised Land for the final redemption.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 29, 2020

Lock Head Design

Cool padlock!

I'm surprised they don't make more locks like this with interesting doodads for the base of the lock. 

Aside from all sort of faces, you could have places and things. 

A lock that looks like Groucho Marx, a Turtle, the Eiffel Tower, or a Heart.  

Why not (as long as it keeps things safe)?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 12, 2020

Thank You President Trump For Supporting Israel

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, Thank You President Trump For Supporting Israel
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we know that everything is in the hands of G-d, including life and death, but there is no question that President Trump has been an instrument of the Almighty in delivering genuine and consistent support—recognition, annexation, aid, sanctioning our enemies, fighting BDS, anti-Semitism, and biased resolutions, and the advancement of peace—to Israel and for the Jewish people.

What the New Year and the upcoming election brings, no one knows, but Hashem. However, let us recognize the good and thank President Trump for everything that he has done for Israel and the Jewish people, and let us pray that G-d brings us continued blessings for the upcoming Jewish year of 5781 and beyond towards our final redemption.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 30, 2020

Every Little Thing

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Every Little Thing." 

Every little thing that Hashem provides for us is truly a big deal. It’s so easy to become complacent, arrogant, and overconfident in all that we have today. But if we just remember that without every little thing we have, we could be in some big, big trouble tomorrow.

Our bodies, minds, and spirit can be strong, but without the ingredients we need to survive, we are all just dust and ashes. Before the High Holidays, when we ask Hashem to forgive us, and we try to make amends, and pray for a good New Year, now is a great time to appreciate every little thing!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 22, 2020

No, It's Not Fort Knox

Did I just walk into Urgent Care or is this Fort Knox's repository for gold bullion?

I don't think I've ever seen this many surveillance cameras in one relatively small room that's not related to national security! 

And there were even more cameras around me--they were freakin everywhere. 

I get that people are afraid and want security, but seriously over a dozen cameras in the entry/waiting room to see a doctor!

Did someone go a little overboard here?

Maybe they had a bad experience, who knows.

Still, this is beyond dystopian and never a private moment shall one have!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 15, 2020

Hear O' Israel

Hear O' Israel,

The L-rd is our G-d,

The L-rd is One!


July 13, 2020

Awesome Elbit!

Love this Israeli defense company, Elbit Systems! 

They are Israel's largest defense company with brilliant defense, homeland security, and national security solutions. 

Proven on the battlefield on land, sea, air, and space. 

From the advanced F-35 Joint Strike Fighter helmet mounted display to the Iron Fist active protection system to drones, lasers, C4ISR, cyber, electronic warfare, electro-optics, countermeasures, combat vehicle systems, and artillery, mortar, munitions and more. 

Elbit offer high-tech solutions that uniquely combine brain with brawn!  

Defending the Holy Land and other countries around the globe. 

In the fight of good over evil, I'm proud that Elbit is one of the good guys! ;-)

May 16, 2020

Iran's Fateful Mistake

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Iran's Fateful Mistake."
With horrible reports coming out that Iran has torched the holy tombs of Mordecai and Esther, this is a new despicable low even for Iran’s evil leadership. As we all know, Mordecai and Queen Esther are the heroes of Purim who with Hashem’s help saved the Jewish people from the evil decree of Haman to utterly destroy the Jews of Persia. Now, the Iranians (Persians) have cast their evil lots once again by setting ablaze these tombs in Hamadan, Iran, and desecrating this site that is holy to Jews around the world. My mother’s Hebrew name was Esther and I am outraged at this vile act against the graves of our holy ancestors, as we all should be.

Let’s hope and pray that soon the Iranian people will realize their aspirations for freedom and that the tyranny that they live under will soon come to another miraculous ending under the watchful eyes of our holy ancestors, Mordecai and Esther.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 14, 2020

My Merkava

Ah, it finally came. 

My new wall hanging of a Merkava IV tank. 

This is a large 47x36 photo print on aluminum and weights about 8 pounds. 

I have it hanging proudly in my home.

To me, this is absolutely beautiful.  

And did I say, I love it!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 9, 2020

Am Yisrael Chai!

I love the Merkava IV, Israel's main battle tank. 

The shape, the versatility, the power! 

Complete fighting awesomeness. 

The new "Merkava IV Barak" (scheduled for deployment in 2021) will even have artificial intelligence (AI) for advanced battle management systems. 

I wish we had the Merkava during the Holocaust and could've given the Nazi bastards what they rightfully deserved. 

Never again! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 23, 2020

Josep Borrell: A History Of Anti-Semitism

Josep Borrell, the disgraceful High Representative of the European Union strikes once again with his extreme anti-Semitism. 

Borrell has threatened Israel that if they follow the United States' Middle East Peace Plan that includes annexing 30% of the West Bank then "it could not pass unchallenged," even though:

  • It is part of the Biblical promised land.
  • Israel won it in a war of self-defense against multiple attacking Arab armies in 1967.
  • It is recognized as absolutely strategically necessary to Israel's peace and security. 

Understanding that this is not an isolated incident, Borrell has an anti-Israel and pro-Iranian track record that includes his stating:
Iran wants to wipe out Israel; nothing new about that. You have to live with it.

Borrell's Jew hate apparently goes all the way back to when he was a child and participated in a sickening pogrom in the 1950s where he yelled "To Kill Jews."

Can you imagine that this is who the European Union selects to be their High Representative AND what does this say about the EU after all the atrocities they committed against the Jews: the Holocaust, Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, expulsions and pogroms?

The EU should very publicly dump this anti-Semite Borrell and place him in the trash bin of history where this type of disgusting behavior and hateful sentiment belongs.  ;-)

March 8, 2020

Peace Or War

I like this saying by Shimon Peres, you can choose:
Either peace and pay the price or war and take the risk.

It's very smart.

Peace isn't free...there is a price (maybe a large one) to pay for it. 

War is also not free...there is a risk of what you will win or lose. 

These are very serious life calculations with consequences that are far reaching. 

Peace or war and if you are wrong what will it cost and how will you achieve security? ;-)

(Credit photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 29, 2020

A Jewish Scorecard: Trump vs. Sanders

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Jewish Scorecard: Trump vs. Sanders."

In nine months, we will go to the polls again to elect the next President of the United States. Right now, it's looking like it will be Donald J. Trump versus Bernie Sanders. What is the scorecard of these two men when it comes to the State of Israel⁠—the Jewish homeland that we have returned to after 2,000 years of exile, persecution, and deep yearning, and where the majority of the world's Jewish people currently reside?

In the end, no candidate is perfect, and each has their own critical flaws. However, you, as the voters will need to tally the score for yourselves and decide who will be President in 2020 and what that means for this country as well as for the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

(Photo: Adapted from Flickr post by The White House (Public Domain) and Linda Sarsour's Twitter account profile picture)
