Showing posts with label Face. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face. Show all posts

April 18, 2021

Do Three Eyes Help Us See Better?

Eyes right, left, and straight ahead. 

What if we had eyes in the back of our heads?

Now, you don't have to look over your shoulder. 

360-degree vision is that better 20/20 hindsight!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 8, 2021

Hollow Eyes

Wow, scary dude!

Hollow eyes and nose. 

No ears.

Mouth sewn (beaded) shut. 

Straight from the "other side" (and wrong side of things). 

Wouldn't want to run into this person anywhere, anytime. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 16, 2020

Face It!

Wow, it only takes a little to show a lot. 

The brilliance of capturing the essence while leaving out the extraneous. 

A person is clearly there even though it's just his face. 

What is hidden is also revealed. 

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

Yet, I don't miss him, because he's right there.

It looks like he's about to say something!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 29, 2020

Lock Head Design

Cool padlock!

I'm surprised they don't make more locks like this with interesting doodads for the base of the lock. 

Aside from all sort of faces, you could have places and things. 

A lock that looks like Groucho Marx, a Turtle, the Eiffel Tower, or a Heart.  

Why not (as long as it keeps things safe)?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 25, 2020

Shabbat Shalom Cute People!

I'm a precious gemstone slab.

And I got two BIG eyes!

I see you and you're all very cute people. 

It's Friday, and I want to wish you all a Shabbat Shalom!

May you have a restful and peaceful Shabbat. 

And as we head into Yom Kippur on Monday, may we all be sealed in the Book of Life for a great year ahead for 5781!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 18, 2019

Woman In Gold, Gold, and More Gold

What an amazing painting featured in the movie, Woman In Gold.

The painting is called the Portrait of Adele Block-Bauer I and was commissioned by her adoring husband. 

That face! And surrounded by everything in gold yet you can still clearly make out her stunning dress. 

I've never seen anything like this: the vividness and the majesty of it. 

Honestly, I think there is a resemblance to my beautiful mother, Gerda Blumenthal who was also from Germany. 

The interesting history on this is that it was stolen by the Nazis from the Jewish owners in the Holocaust, but was finally returned to their family in America that succeeded in suing Austria for it back.

This is truly one of the greats! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Gustav Klimt [Public domain])

December 17, 2019

Eyewash Smiley

Had to take a second look at this eyewash station with the bright yellow caps.

I suppose this is good if you get something in your eye(s) and need to flush it out. 

Are the yellow caps supposed to be for keeping the faucets clean and unobstructed. 

Whole thing looks a little like a face:  the yellow caps are the eyes, the big center faucet is the nose, and the sink basic the big mouth. 

Maybe just my imagination, but I think it's saying "there are too many cooks in this kitchen, get the h*ll out!" :-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 13, 2019

Weird Face Bag

This bag is too weird.

Not a man and not an animal--it's some sort of beast. 

It has a crazy face on it with a gnarly mouth and green bug-eyes. 

Is it watching for pickpockets? 

Wonder if it bites the hand that tries to go inside the purse. 

I can't look at this thing anymore. 

Make it go away! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 17, 2019

Face Vase

Thought this was a pretty cool Face Vase. 

If you add a digital home assistant to this (like Amazon Echo or Google Assistant) and make the lips move on this vase, it would be quite the futuristic home assistant!

I don't think I'd feel comfortable living in my own house anymore. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 20, 2017

Good Face, Ugly Mask

So many faces, so much phoniness. 

Why can't we just deal with genuine people?

Not like the dummies in this picture. 

Everyone seems to put on a face. 

One person comes in the room, puts on a big smile and then drops it like you do your pants in the bathroom (excuse the comparison).

But it's just so wax!

Another person is talking it up, but you can see just under the thin veneer, they are a boiling powder keg ready to go off. 

Faces are for expression--to feel and to share. 

However, they are used to deceive and fool the world around them.  

Is it a face or a mask.

What's behind it--good or evil?

If you don't look past the superficial then you are the real dummy.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 22, 2017

Wise Man Watcheth

I just loved this Asian sculpture that I found in this cool antique store.

It was white and slim with a Asian man face, long beard, and tall hat. 

The face was so expressive.

The eyes so alert and watching. 

The beard and hat made him look old and wise. 

As a real person, this is someone who has seen and learned so many things.

Forever watching.

Forever seeking to understand.

Forever trying to learn the secrets of the life. 

This is a person to consult and get guidance from. 

With age comes wisdom.

And with (occasional) reincarnation comes more opportunity to learn the painful lessons that we haven't, but must.

How long has this man been sitting there watching and learning--how long must we?

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 2, 2015

Minions Help Me!

This was a funny picture I took in Washington, D.C. 

This women is sitting on the Metro. 

On her lap are two big bags.

One bag (a knapsack) has a Minion on the front. 

And on top of the Minion bag is her overfilled buldging handbag.

The Minion is slanted sideways with the heavy handbag on its head, practically squooshing his face.

From the likes of it, the Minion looks like he's got one big headache and wants out of there. 

His eyes pleading for a new owner to loyally serve or just to get that darn heavy handbag off its head. 

Feel better Minion...unfortunately, it's not your day.  ;-) 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 14, 2015

Smokem Peace Pipe

So we are almost all settled in our new place (now about 2 1/2 months)...

And in the kitchen, I am re-organizing one of the top cabinets. 

I reach in the very back, and I feel something all the way in the corner. 

I pick it up and pull it out, and it's this really weird looking smelly pipe. 

The pipe has a face on it and a blue and red stone above and below it. 

My wife says it looks like a peace pipe, although I've never really seen one of those before. 

There are no feathers or pictures of Indians on it, just this crazy-face staring up with crooked teeth and a big schnoz. 

Did someone actually smoke this thing? 

Ick, washed my hands like 3 times. 

Left it on the counter to show the rest of the family.

Throw that G-d darn thing out!

Dirty smokem peace pipe with ugly face heading down the garbage chute--wonder if I should've sold it on ebay. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 16, 2015

Lady You Bring Me Up When I'm Down

I'm been wanting to post this gallery photo for a while now. 

I think this is a great expression of the beauty that some women possess. 

The hair, eyes, lips, shape of the face...G-d is a terrific creator!

This makes me think of the song by the Commodores, Lady You Bring Me Up When I Am Down.

BTW, my wife is even more gorgeous (true)! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 15, 2014

Guard Your Menorah

This was a funny picture I took of a zebra with the stripes that are in the shape of a Jewish menorah. 

The menorah has a center stem from which to light the branches extending upward to the left and right on the menorah. 

Last night at a Shabbat dinner, someone said something very interesting about keeping G-d commandments and staying innocent and holy.

He said a person face, which has 4 of our senses (mouth, eyes, nose, and ears) is actually like a menorah.

These start at the center of the face and then are emanating upwards and outwards:

- First, the mouth (speech)  is sort of the center stem--and our words needs to be carefully spoken so that we speak nicely to others and not to hurt them with what we say. 

- Second, our nose with 2 nostrils (smell)--we should smell holy things like the sacrifices and incenses to G-d, and not things that make us improperly attracted to worldly impurities, like inappropriate sexual partners, drug, smoking, and alcohol. 

- Third, our 2 eyes (sight)--we need to see the good in others and the world around us, but guard ourselves so that we do not see things that make us want, desire, and lead us astray after falsity. 

- Fourth, our 2 ears (hearing) --we work to avoid hearing "evil speech" about others and instead seek to perceive words of insight, spiritually and growth. 

I would add the following to complete our 5 senses:

- Fifth, our 2 hands (touch)---because if we but lift our hands up to heaven in prayer and servitude to G-d, then we use our sense of touch for helping rather than hurting people. 

So while this zebra has a menorah on his side, we have it built into our very faces and bodies. 

And with a little effort, we can use all our senses for doing good, and guard ourselves from the otherwise seemingly natural impulses to do otherwise.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 1, 2014

$5 to Plop Someone In the Face

Everyone in Washington, D.C. is Spring Crazy today. 

Outside, kids raising money for Strike Out Illiteracy. 

For $5 donation, you get to plop a plate full of whipped cream and chocolate syrup in someone's face. 

That's worth it! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 14, 2012

See Yourself In The Future

Now seeing how you will look in the future is not just theoretical anymore. 

Merrill Edge (Merrill Lynch investing + Bank of America banking) has an online digital program that shows how you will look aged over time. 

They developed this as tool to encourage people to save more money for retirement by bringing home the message that you will not be young (and beautiful) forever. 

The Face Retirement tool asks for your age and gender, takes your picture, and then displays snapshots of how you will look over the course of your lifespan. 

I tried it and my smiling face was quickly tranformed into an old man with sagging skin, wrinkles, and more. 

My wife seeing those pictures says to me (even though we already save for retirement), "We better really start investing seriously for retirement!" -- gee, thanks! ;-)

And thanks Merrill Edge, you scared us straight(er) by looking at our own mortality, face-to-face. 

(Source Photo: here with attribution to Judy Baxter)
