Showing posts with label Shoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoes. Show all posts

May 17, 2018

Gucci Shoes WOW!

So we're down in Florida.

It's pouring today, so we decide to go to Sawgrass Mills.

When the rain let's up, we decide to go outside to this one row of stores that is like designer row.

We went into Robert Graham, Ralph Lauren (the purple label), Roberto Cavalli, Versace, Gucci, and more.

We saw this nice Chasidic couple in Gucci.

He looked at me and me and him--he was buying his wife a gift and I was "window shopping" and taking some cool photos.

We gave each other the thumbs up.

The shoe here was from the Gucci store.

Pretty incredible, no?

It's definitely a brand standout!

Nice job Gucci designers. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 22, 2017

Israel Style

Today we walked around Tel Aviv and went to the Art Museum here and also the stores, grocery, and cafes.

What I really liked was seeing it up close and not from the back of a tour bus. 

After just a day or so, I started to feel like I was really experiencing life here. 

Crossing Menachem Begin Road, we ran into these fashion-conscious ladies. 

The colorful clothes and hair, the tall blue shoes, the ripped leggings of the women on the left definitely stood out.

Juxtaposed is the lady on the right in the black dress, short haircut, bag, and glasses. 

This pair was a standout!

In a way, I miss the Holy lifestyle of Jerusalem here in Tel Aviv, but at the same time, I like the cosmopolitan and modern life here too.

Anyway, I feel like I am learning a lot and enjoying experiencing culture and religion Israel-style. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 5, 2017

Trendy - Shoes and Bag In One

I thought this was a very creative ladies bag.

It combines two things that many love--shoes and bags!

No, you're not putting your shoes in the bag.

And you're definitely not wearing your bag on your feet (that's another blog on innovation).

In this case, the shoes (and legs) are the design on the bag itself and make up the shoulder straps to carry it. 

Creative and fun thinking, right?

Also, I like the design of bold colors of the red and white sneakers and the blue jeans on the black bag. 

This is both functional and cool, and I like the trend of "mixing it up."

The straps are the legs and shoes--pretty smart! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 15, 2017

Happy Summer Shoes

Summer is generally a sunny and happy time of year. 

People throw off the thick winter coats and  heavy boots and wear some nice sandals.

I saw this one lady wearing these happy, colorful sandals on the Metro. 

I'd expect to see these more in Florida or California than in stodgy Washington, D.C. 

They were pretty awesome--trendy, stylish, even comfortable looking. 

Fashion is self-expression and freedom.

It's also artistic and a reflection of our culture and our desires. 

We need more color, more chance, more futurism from our fashion.

The clothes can shape not only our bodies, but the times we live in. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 30, 2015

Who's Getting The Attention Now?

I took this photo of this couple online in Starbucks this morning. 

It was very hard not to notice this guy's sneakers and socks (on the left). 

Hot pink sneakers with matching Homer Simpson pink socks. 

I thought to myself that you've got to be pretty bold to go out and wear that. 

It's funny how people love attention, and often it seems like they will say, wear, and act any which way they have to in order to get it. 

Maybe (good) attention is like currency:

- It's valuable when your noticed (you become instantaneously cool, one to follow, maybe gets into the school or job you always wanted, oh and don't forget all the likes on Facebook or the paparazzi).

- It feels good to have some (who wants to be ignored or looked down on? Positive attention is like an addictive drug to many people).

- You can trade attention with others (they give you some and you give them some--it's like rubbing each others backs, but in this case it's your egos instead). 

- Perhaps, you can even save some up in the (memory) bank (where people remember what a great gal or guy you are). 

Think about what do you do to get attention and is it something you are proud of or are you acting a little mischievous, naughty, and outlandish to get it? 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 25, 2015

Footsies at Comfort One

So lately my feet have been hurting me. 

My wife tells me, "Go to Comfort One for new shoes."

I say, "But I don't want to go get nerdy shoes there."

Like in most arguments, my wife wins and in I march, reluctantly, to the store. 

First, they take this scan of my feet (something that looks like the picture above) to show me where my foot is getting pressure (and pain).

Okay, well I already know this, but when you see all the red on the picture, I guess it helps to scare you to getting an expensive new pair of orthopedic-like shoes. 

But first, they sell me on some arch supports that slides into the shoe...they seem to feel pretty good, and in fact, after walking around in them for a little while, I actually miss them when I finally take them off. 

Give me back those darn arch supports, will ya?

Next, we see these amazing Mephisto shoes (with "soft-air technology")...made in Europe...the salesman says, their built like a tank. 

My wife says, "Oh, my aunt told me to get those too!" We now have a bona fide endorsement. 

I pick up the shoe on display and it look like it is pretty rugged with all the right support for walking around...maybe I got to get over that it looks to me like old people shoes (from Haband). 

Hey, what do you want Andy--to feel good on your feet or to look like your 18 again. 

Okay, I try them on...with the arch supports inserted...and what do you know, I am walking a heck of a lot better.

Well, what about the price...holy crap, I can get 3 pairs of cool shoes at REI for one of these nerdy pairs. 

Oh darn it, I have no choice...I am walking better, especially with the hip surgeries from last year still looming behind me. 

I get the shoes, I get the arches...I pay the money--too much money!

I feel nerdy or so nerdy, but maybe I'm going for the healing power, G-d willing, of a good pair of supportive shoes. 

My wife was right again, and I hate to admit it, but please don't tell her I said so--it's bad for her ego and mine. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 25, 2015

Toe Shoes - Little Piggy

I tool this photo on the Metro this morning.  

This person is wearing these huge toe shoes and mismatched socks. 

Have you ever tried on toe shoes?

It's not like putting on a pair of gloves.  

Try lining up and getting each of your toes into these snug shoes.

More trouble than it's worth in terms of looking interesting, different. 

Which toe should we start with: "This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home..."

Maybe the only reason to wear these is if you actually want someone to step on your toes--now it's all too toe transparent. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 21, 2015

Growing Shoes For Growing Feet

Great innovation from The Shoe That Grows.

Innocent children around the world living in poverty are frequently forced to walk barefoot, without shoes, risking dangerous injury from hard and sharp objects as well as disease from contaminated soil. 

Now there are expandable shoes that can be adjusted in the front toe piece and side with snaps, as well as with a back heel strap.

The shoes are made to expand five sizes and last 5 years with high quality rubber soles and leather uppers.

A donation of one pair for a needy child is just $10.

No child--or adult--should ever have to go without the basics like shoes and this can help millions get to a higher standard of living, which everyone deserves. ;-)

(Thank you to Michelle Blumenthal for sharing this with me.)

March 15, 2015

Best Animated Shoes

These are some very cool shoes--different!

My daughter found these on Youtube 

They are made by this unboring shoe company in the U.K. called Irregular Choice.

Walking on the back of a dragon cannot be a bad thing. 

Stepping alternatively on the bride and groom--maybe an interesting perspective on the ins and outs of marriage. 

They also have a neat pair of Panda shoes. 

Check these out, I think you'll look cool and really like it. ;-)

January 22, 2015

Very Blue Boots

The kids hit the shoe store on the weekend.

Shoes and bags are always favorites.

Anyway, one tried on these cool blue boots. 

The other one took the photo. 

Yes, hip and stylish--alhough didn't actually buy them--maybe just a little too much blue (almost like a blueberry)!

What's next in the fashion world? ;-)

(Source Photo: The Blumenthals)


November 30, 2014

Shoes On the Dumpster

So I had a great new pair of sandals that I wore just 3-4 times, but they didn't fit right on me.

We wanted to give them to a poor person, but didn't want to just walk up to someone on the street and say, "Hey, do you need a pair of shoes?"

So down in Fort Lauderdale here there are plenty of needy people, and we decided to leave them prominently on a trash/recycle bin on the street where we were confident that someone in need would see them and take them.

We left the shoes at about 5:45 pm and went to the store for some errands, and literally by the time we circled back not half an hour later, the shoes were gone.

It is terrible to see people on the street in need of food, clean clothes, and just a pair of shoes. 

While it was rewarding to see that someone got these shoes, the fact that they were gone so quickly shows me clearly that there is still so much more that needs to be done.

Too much poverty, too much daughter says "Dad, we can change things!"

I hope someway we can all make a difference and help all the people that are in need--those are some mighty big shoes we need to fill, but I pray in my heart that G-d will help us all succeed. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 11, 2014

High-Tech Dance Shoes

These shoes are called Kangoo Jumps.

They provide the high-tech bounce for dancing, running, or other exercise.

This video is from their 2014 International Festival in Florida that I had the opportunity to watch.

Amazing what the participants were able to do and the fun they had.

I'd like a pair and to be able to kick up my heels like that too. ;-)

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

October 8, 2014

The All American Shoe

Ok, so this is a very cool shoe.

I'm in Ft. Lauderdale, and I came across this shoe.

No straps, no buckles, no bows, no ties, no tassels, no sparkles.

Just this woven American flag--prominent and proud. 

Thought this was pretty cool. 

Maybe there is a time for pretty shoes on the runway, and boots on the ground to defend our nation. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 16, 2014

Some Mighty Big Shoes To Fill

If you're ever feeling like a big shot--remember there are always others out there who are bigger than you. 


We walk in the footsteps of the giants who came before us. 

We walk among colleagues who are superior to us.

We walk before future generations who will certainly humble us. 

We walk in the sight of G-d, our creator and master, who bestows all divine benevolence to us. 


Now those are some mighty big shoes! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 14, 2014

She's Got Bling

My daughter, Rebecca is usually very earthy. 

However, I convinced her to get these "bling" sneakers from Guess. 

It was out of her usual comfort zone, but it took her about 3 minutes to admit it--she loves 'em!

Good job Daddy. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 17, 2012

What Happened To My Shoes?

So yesterday, I was on one of the hikes of my life.

After a certain period of time, I said that we had had better head back, leaving ourselves enough energy to make the return trek.

But after a number of times at this mountain, my daughter was determined to make it to the major overlook and do "the full circuit."

I was so impressed with her determination and enthusiasm that I too caught "the bug" to just do it!

So we went and went--marker after marker--laughing, sort of, about how far we were really going--and would have to return.

But the weather was good--it had cooled off--and we felt that we could get there, and back, with some pushing. 

At one point, we hit the summit, and put our rock on the tall pile with the others left by those before us, and we went on to make it to the overlook.

We took some pictures and sat down on the rocks to take it all in--it was magnificent.

Then I casually look down at my hiking shoes, and notice something--the rubber soles had actually come loose from the rest of the shoe--on both feet.

My first thought--great products, not! from this company--darn it. :-(

My second thought--%^(*#$ how am I going to get back in broken shoes?

Making a long story short, the shoes were wobbling over the rocks, tree trunks, and terrain--and I prayed that I did fall or end up getting stuck barefoot in the hills. 

G-d was good to me and we made it back and I headed straight to the hiking store to get my money back for the shoes--I literally took them off at the counter and handed them in tatters to the customer service rep.

Now without shoes in the store, I walked around in socks to the shoe section and picked out a new pair--yay!

Some lessons:

- Enthusiasm is catchy and can spark you to do things you wouldn't normally think you could achieve.

- Never say never--who would think your hiking shoes would literally fall apart in the middle of a hike, but they can and did!

- Always be prepared--mentally and physically--for all sorts of eventualities; life doesn't just go the way we expect or want.

- Thank G-d for a happy ending--because it could easily go the other way.

- And finally don't buy brand X for your hiking shoes--they really stink! ;-)

(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal)


February 19, 2012

The Soul of A Shoe

I took these photos today of a cross section of a shoe. 

I was surprised that this was all there was to it. 

So what costs $140???

A little cowhide on the outside, a little cushion on the inside, and a some rubber sole on the bottom. 

Add some eyelets and laces, and some stitching to hold it all together. 

While there are certainly lots of styles, colors, and sizes out there, most are sort of commoditized, boring, and non high-tech.

Where are those jet-powered rocket shoes they promised when I was a kid.

Come on Nike--"just do it."
