Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

June 21, 2021

WTF Is It?

Art but what the heck:

Do these thingamajigs represent people standing tall and with arms raised high?

Are you supposed to hang things off of it like jewelry?

Can you place on it reminder notes or small pictures using push pins?

Then again maybe it's a toy for a child or even a pet?

In the end, all I can say is WFT is it?

Perhaps that's what the meaning of art is!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 15, 2021

Paranoid or Not

Thought this was a great quote on paranoia:

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean someone's not out to get me.

Think about that one a little. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 19, 2021

The Contrarians


It's funny, you have this beautiful ocean and waves coming in, but some people turn their backs on it and face the other way.

I get that they are wanting to get a tan, but to me their still missing it!

There are always those that will go against the norm.

That's the Bell-Shaped Curve for you in action.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 13, 2021

Comfy Legs

Those legs look comfy in the chair. 

Cross, uncross, cross. 

Of course, the dress pants and shoes aren't so comfortable. 

Do clothes really make the wo/man?

Here, there's no real clothes or should I say person to speak of. 

Clothes is better than a fig leaf for Adam and Eve.

Much of clothing is just "look your best" and try to "feel good" vanity.

The soul is what really makes the person.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 7, 2021

Her Name Is Coco

Her name is Coco. 

And her standup hair says it (sideways).  

The blue stars over her eye lashes are pretty cool too. 

When she opens her eyes, she comes to life. 

Do you want to meet her?

A robot, mannequin, virtual reality or perhaps the future of humanity. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 3, 2021

He Ain't Heavy

Reminds me of the song:

"He ain't heavy, he's my brother!"

For some reason, I remember the children back in the day (I grew up at the height of the feminist movement) saying instead: "She's my brother."

I used to think what the heck did that mean?

20/20 hindsight, but I guess a spoof on gender roles already many moons ago. 

Now I hear identity as he, she, ze/zir.

Either way, the person ain't heavy.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 7, 2020

The Purge

Thought this was an interesting sign someone had in their office. 
PURGE the things that no longer bring PURPOSE!

Yikes! I wonder who or what got purged from this person's life recently. 

Yet, perhaps it is a good lesson against hoarding and just accumulating junk (things and certain people) along the way of life. 

When things have a deeply negative impact on your life (or they're just dead weight), perhaps it is time to consider letting go.

I'm not talking about relationships of commitment (e.g. family), which have a stronger and timeless bond in my mind, but of those that earn their right into your life by virtue of being ongoing positive, productive forces. 

There is no blessing in gluttony or hoarding--stay trim and fit, travel light and with what is truly meaningful and necessary. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

March 9, 2020

Happy Purim from Magen David Synagogue!

(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


February 9, 2020

How Fish Come Up To Breathe

This was one of the most interesting facts that I learned recently.

Dolphins needs to come up to the surface to get air to breathe. 

But how do they do this when they sleep?

The answer is that only part of their brain sleeps at a time, so that they can continue to rise to the surface for air 24/7. 

Part of their brain sleeps while the other part stays awake. 

I think that this truly happens with people too. 

If you have ever been overtired, your brain still needs to sleep. 

At some point, you can literally feel part of your brain go to sleep even as the rest is awake to do what it needs to do (even at suboptimal functioning). 

This is beyond fascinating how G-d created us to adapt and survive. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 31, 2020

Hope You Had A Good "Veek"

So I was asked do you spell week with a "W" or a "V."

I guess sometimes it does sound like we say veek.

Someone else told me that they are divorced and that person is still a "dark force" in their life.

They said they have to pay child support but can't afford it. 
It's not like I still earn $55,000 like I used to.

But if they don't pay...
Well my ex will just refuse to let me see my son!

People have tough lives. 

So when you think about your week, hopefully in context, you can resolutely say that you had a good veek. 

Shabbat Shalom! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 28, 2019

Robots In Rockville

Had some fun driving around this cool little Robot in Rockville Town Center.

I like to try out the latest gadgets. 

It's funny people's reactions when they see these. 

They're still not quite sure what to make of these. 

Robots on the street.

Drones overhead.

Submersibles in the water.

Soon they will all be autonomous, ubiquitous, and essential.

And people will be the side attraction. ;-)

(Source Video: Dossy Blumenthal)

May 23, 2019

Alligator Govie

So this was a little surprising. 

In the courtyard (next to the cafeteria) at work, there is a nice seating area open during the Spring/Summer seasons. 

Pretty trees, flowers, and a pond. 

In the pond, next to the water lilies, there was a what?


Not a full alligator.

But someone put an alligator's head in to make things interesting. 

It's nice at work when people are normal and have a sense of humor. 

An Alligator Govie that's what it is. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 12, 2018

Getting To Know You

So we recently took on a new function at work.

With that came a new group of employees.

Today, we had a wonderful breakfast as a meet and greet for everyone to get to know each other.

There was a tremendous spread of food laid out everything from bagels and smear, granola and yogurt, free fruit and vegetable salad, donut and muffins, and more.

There was enough food to feed a small army.

Aside from the group joining us, we had people come from other departments that support the process they are involved in--so folks from finance, legal, and even the front office.

The new lead assigned for the group that came over even gave out envelopes to thank their new team and 2 big boxes of gourmet coffee for them to share.

How nice this all was done and the investment that was made to bring the new team on board was really amazing to me.

I saw all the goodwill that was being built up from this event and the niceties put into it to recognize the people and make everyone comfortable together as a team.

I learned that an investment upfront like this in people and function can have tremendous benefits downstream in building a team and performing services that everyone can be proud of who is apart of this.

Invest not only in things, but also most importantly in people and relationships! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 21, 2018

@Wiener Museum Of Decorative Arts

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)