Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts

January 20, 2014

The Starbucks Playbook

I'm in Starbucks and this young lady is drawing one of Starbucks promo signs. 

This one was for the new Starbucks Caramel Flan which is a latte (coffee with a shot of expresso and frothy steamed milk) with whipped cream and generous topping of caramel.

In making the sign, the girl was nervous that she wouldn't do a good job because of her drawing skills, but she was actually doing pretty well.

I learned some interesting things from her that the big picture of the cup of coffee on the sign is actually a magnet--so that just snapped in place and was a big help.

Then as you can see on the left, she is a holding a playbook from Starbucks Corporate that has a miniature version of the sign that she is supposed to draw with instructions. 

So this is her guide and the same used by all the other Starbucks putting up this promo this week. 

From a marketing and branding perspective, this helps keep it tight in terms of the messaging, timing, and look and feel. 

Starbucks leaves nothing to chance with their coffee sales and this methodology of having each store draw the promo by hand but from a playbook makes it both authentic and professional. 

Nice job with the Caramel Flan sign! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 1, 2013

Me and Wilson

This was a Monkey Mudslide.

The cup is my favorite--it's happy and says at the bottom, "Have Fun."

The drink was this combination of Malibu Coconut Rum, Coffee Liquor, Bailey's, and Chocolate and Cream.

OMG, do they give free refills on this stuff?  ;-)


August 7, 2013

Lessons From Breaking A Leg

Some things I learned from breaking an ankle this week:

1) Beware of the Crazies:  There are a lot of crazy people out there. This guy on the street in Washington, D.C. was yelling and screaming and when I turned to see what all the commotion was about, my foot pivoted sideways off the pavement and crack! I was cussing under my breath at the nut on the street and the pain shooting out of my foot. Thank G-d for the parking meter, which I lunged toward and grabbed to keep myself vertical!

2) Be great: The lady in the hospital that did my cast was amazing. She was so nice to me and talented as a medical professional. She was able to take even a sort of routine task like making a cast (she probably does thousands of them) and do it with an artistic flair and near perfection--I'm telling you this lady was able to make great out of the mundane. All the time explaining to me what she was doing, asking me how it felt, and then helping me test it out. She was like an angel. 

3) Easy is hard: The crutches are large and clumsy--they help to redistribute the weight off the foot, but they are uncomfortable to use and look ridiculous. But getting around on crutches, I am realizing that all the things every day that I take for granted as easy are pretty hard with a broken bone. On the first day, I went courageously out to the Metro and was going to head down to work, but when it started raining I realized this was not going to work--how to you carry yourself on crutches and hold an umbrella at the same time and not get your cast wet and ruin it. The next day, I found myself hopping on and off the escalator trying to keep balanced, keep the weight off the foot, and grab the crutches along with me--this was almost comical. Then trying to stay on the crutches, while using the metro card to activate the turnstile, and go through this narrow passage quickly, I found myself wedged between the turnstile gates. Then the morning coffee was a no-no; how do you carry a coffee while navigating on crutches, which then left me with a caffeine withdrawal headache. I could go on, but you get the picture.

Being sick and injured is lousy, but I appreciate my health anew. And I thank G-d for teaching me some valuable lessons--many refreshers--and keeping me from an even worse outcome. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 16, 2013

Zach Galifianakis at 7-Eleven

I think this is probably as close as I will come to seeing Zach Galifianakis. 

Someone at 7-Eleven had this awesome coffee mug with Galifianakis's photo on the side. 

That face is pretty hilarious--he doesn't even have to say anything and you sort of start laughing!

And The Hangover Part III is coming out next week...

Fill'er up Zach with lots of fun and comedy. 

I'll drink a good coffee at 7-Eleven to that. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 14, 2013

What Are You Staring At?

This deer and I had a staring contest this morning, and I lost.

The deer didn't let me get too close, before he ran off into the woods. 

A couple of other deer showed themselves and followed suit. 

Early in the morning, it was so quiet and peaceful on the way to grab a cup of coffee at 7-Eleven (their French Vanilla is a delicious favorite).

Thank you G-d for all the greatness that you bestow on us. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 18, 2013

Benefits of Coffee

So we went to see Bruce Willis's new Die Hard Movie today--"A Good Day To Die Hard."

Lot's of action, shooting, awesome weapons, attack copters, and car chases. 

We stopped on the way for a cup of coffee--but it wasn't Starbucks--which is sort of so cliche and boring already, but a mom and pop place--and it was nice. 

They had a refreshing variety of coffees, cozy tables, and good eats.

One thing, I couldn't help noticing was this funny sign on the wall touting the benefits of coffee--"Do stupid things faster with more energy."

I guess with compact energy shots like 5-Hour Energy, you can do stupid things not just faster and with more energy, but for longer periods of time as well. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 22, 2012

This picture said it all this Monday morning.  

At this time of year, it's pretty dark out in the morning, and many people may feel a little sluggish getting up after the weekend.

But these people seemed literally passed out at this cafeteria. 

The one guy on the left is laying on his arms with his bag kind of free floating next to him, and the gal on the right is apparently face down on the table.

It reminded me of this funny poster I used to see at the local candy store as a kid, where a toddler in his high chair was face down in a bowl of spaghetti. 

Even without the tomatoey pasta, this was not much better. ;-)

Looking at them, I could practically feel their pain...yawwwwnn.

Hey, maybe we could all use a little more shut-eye and a little less on "The Walking Dead" episodes--but it was great again last night. 

(Source photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 7, 2012

Voting, The 7-Eleven Way

Want to know who is going to win the Presidential election? 

Just ask 7-Eleven!

With the rollout of 7-Election, they have accurately predicted the last 4 elections.

So get out and cast your...cup of coffee?

The red is for Romney and the blue is for Obama (and there are neutral cups for those still undecided voters). 

So far, from what I can see here, this is literally neck and neck.  

My best guess is that the donuts sell out first--especially the chocolate eclairs.

Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of any candidate or coffee/donut. 

Happy Friday folks!

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

March 15, 2012

Love To Love You Dunkin'

This is my dream drink. 

Dunkin' Donuts Mocha Iced Coffees.

Two a day, yay!

This town really does run on Dunkin'.

Starbucks, you got great ambiance, but your coffee ugh! 

(Even though we disagree in the family on this one :-|)

There is no IT in coffee, but I don't care, I love you anyway. 

(Photo Source: Andy Blumenthal)
