October 14, 2023

Muslim and Jew Against Evil

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Muslim and Jew Against Evil."

This isn't anything about Palestinian vs. Israeli or Muslim vs. Christian and Jew. It is everything about evil vs. good. Hate and terror are diseases, and we need to eradicate their ideology, structures, and sponsors. The only reason they exist is that "someone" is benefiting from them! Unfortunately, the people are brainwashed with hate and threatened if they don't go along with it by those who live off it. To them, dead Palestinians are martyrs whose photos can go on CNN and MSNBC.

While all people may be created equal, some end up good and some have gone awfully bad, and we need to differentiate between the two. And yes, there are plenty of "grays in between." In the end, we need to embrace those who are faithful, decent human beings (even with flaws and all), and we must soulfully band together to root out and confront the entire system of evil, where and for what it truly is, and before it's too late.

(Stock Photo: Ali Wannous https://www.pexels.com/photo/dirt-road-between-ruined-buildings-under-a-blue-sky-10932512/)

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