March 1, 2013

What Are You Thinking?

This was a funny painting on the window of this eatery in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

The woman is thinking romance, but the man is thinking about his delicious sandwich. 

This fits in very well with John Gray's bestseller, Men Are Mars, Women Are From Venus--where one theme is that men tend to retreat to think about or distance themselves from problems (in this case with a sandwich) and women seek to grow emotionally close. 

See that happening here? 

In a relationship according to Gray, you are either going to have balance in giving and receiving or you will have resentment. 

Life's little lessons...better take heed. 

My guess is that if this guy in picture doesn't start paying better attention to the love and attention needs of the women, he is likely to get a sandwich right over his clueless head! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


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