September 11, 2007

Building a Winning Team and Enterprise Architecture

To build a winning team for developing and maintaining a successful User-centric EA program, there are 7 key positions:
  1. Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA)—The CEA is the executive responsible for leading the enterprise architecture program; the CEA has the vision and the ability to communicate and execute on that vision.
  2. Requirements Manager—The requirements manager is the individual who is responsible for understanding the users’ requirements for EA information, planning, and governance.
  3. Solutions Manager—The solutions manager is responsible for developing EA products and services to fulfill (superbly) the requirements of the end-users.
  4. Configuration Manager—The configuration manager maintains the relevancy of the EA products by ensuring they remain current, accurate, and complete.
  5. Communications Manager—The communications manager markets and communicates all EA products and services, and is responsible for end-user training and outreach.
  6. Technical Writer—The technical writer produces EA product textual content for all EA communications media (such as the website, printed handbook, policy, practices, and so on)
  7. Graphic Designer—The graphic designer creates innovative visual and graphics displays for EA products, especially profiles (high-level, strategic views of the EA) and models (mid-level EA views that show relationships of processes, information flows, and system interoperability.

Of course, there are many others on the EA team that contribute to its success, including all the architects, analysts, planners, and data specialists.

Together, the 7 key positions and various specialists develop the organization’s User-centric EA and focus on helping the organization execute its mission and generating value to the enterprise through information, planning, and governance.


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