Showing posts with label Wrong Direction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrong Direction. Show all posts

August 21, 2016

Why Are We So Unconfident?

So I took this photo today at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. 

"We are strong!
We are positive!
We will survive!" 

Does someone who says these things sound like they really believe it or far more likely, it is that they need to tell themselves these things, because they are really not feeling so confident after all?

What's the unfortunate message behind these words?  

- We spend $610 billion on defense--more than the next 8 super nations combined--yet somehow we feel vulnerable and weak, especially with terrorism and a resurgent Russia and China

- We are so fortunate to live in freedom, democracy, seeming prosperity, and have everything to be positive and thankful about--yet 80% are dissatisfied and think we are heading in the wrong direction. 

- We are the world's superpower of nations--with wealth, armaments, a seat on the UN security council, and more than 800 bases around 80 countries in the world--"more than any other people, nation, or empire in history," yet most Americans think we're faring poorly and that their children will be worse off than themselves!

How can so much security result in so much insecurity?  

The answer should be obvious.

When people don't believe in the wisdom of their leaders, then no matter what they have or spend or where they are coming from, they are at risk of losing it all.

Poor leadership means corruption, fraud, waste, abuse, and absolute bad decision-making for this nation. 

We don't believe we are strong, because we see other nations spending less on their defense, yet getting more in terms of security for the people.

People don't feel positive, because they don't see good decisions being made, progress toward a better future, and confidence in the future being shaped. 

Questions about our very survival are surfacing because:

- We have seen millions of jobs disappear to our competitors overseas

- Our national debt balloon to near catastrophic levels (and with no tangible benefit to average Joe citizen as everything from our education system to our roads and bridges are falling apart)

- Bankruptcy to the critical entitlement pillars of Social Security and Medicare are being regularly forewarned. 

- Corrupt politicians who are supposed to be looking after us and effectively governing us are instead doing terrible wrongs, yet they are endlessly allowed to be above the law. 

- There is non-stop global terrorism and a reluctance to even call it what it is let alone truly fight to win. 

- We face out of control proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and yet remove sanction and release hundreds of billions of dollar to the largest state sponsor of terrorism and human rights abuses. 

- Open hostility to the U.S. is present as nations are doing what they want whether it terms of nuclear and ballistic missile development and testing in Iran and North Korea, using chemical weapons on civilians in Syria, annexing Crimea, buzzing U.S. planes and ships and conducting cyber war by Russia, and orchestrating a vast military build up in the South China Sea--and all without meaningful consequences.

So everyone repeat after me: 

"We are strong!
We are positive!
We will survive!" 

If you say it enough, you may actually start to believe it. 

Then again, if you start listening to your true inner feelings, you may start to see the vast political gimmickry being played out on you. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 14, 2016

Deserving To Be President

I took this photo this morning of this guy in a shirt that says, "Good deeds eventually are rewarded."

My question is whether the corollary is true, and are bad deeds eventually punished?

Watching this horrible election play out, this shirt helped me to figure out what was bothering me about the alleged crookedness of one or more candidates. 

And it's not just that they seem to have done corrupt things, because there are a lot of bad people out there that have done really terrible things.

Rather no matter what horrible things the candidates do, they don't seem to get punished for it, but rather they bask in more money, more fame, more honor, and now potentially the highest office of the land, the very President of the United States itself. 

Do people like this who are allegedly involved in the following types of activities deserve to win the election (and rule over almost 320 million Americans)?
  • Rigs the election and commits voter fraud against Bernie Sanders
  • Colludes and conspires with the DNC 
  • Money launders millions, if not billions, of dollars through a "charitable" foundation
  • Uses political office for personal benefit and conducts ethical violations with "pay to play" donors and cronyism between the public and private sectors
  • Manipulates the media "echo chamber" 
  • Gets off child rapists and laughs about it
  • Keeps secret servers and destroys email
  • Lies and commits perjury
  • Recklessly handles and endangers national security
  • Doesn't enforce "red lines" against regimes using weapons of mass destruction
  • Embraces and makes bogus deals with our sworn enemy, Iran (the #1 state sponsor of terrorism and human rights abuses worldwide)
  • Leads from behind in world events in the face of dangerous regimes
  • Wastes our nations blood and treasure in the premature retreat from Iraq
  • Sows rapid violence, refugees, and crises worldwide
  • Oversees the weakest U.S. economic recovery in history and a doubling our national debt to $20 trillion
  • Takes this nation in the wrong direction with an 80% dissatisfaction rate
  • Enables racial divisiveness and the shooting of police officers in the U.S. 
  • Has dozens of opposition members show up in murder-suicides? 

If G-d ultimately rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked, then should such candidates be promoted to the be the leader of the free world?

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 12, 2016

Anti-Semitism From Obama To The World

This is what happens when President Obama sets a blatantly anti-semitic tone to his presidency by for example, snubbing at the White House the outreached hand of our ally and friend, Israel. 

Subsequently, at the Rio Olympics this week, Egypt (right) snubs Israel (left) in the very same way.

Racism and hatred is a contagious disease of the heart, mind, and soul. 

And this is especially the case, when racism and hatred emanate from the very top--the leader of the free world--the diametric opposite of true leadership by example and with integrity. 

In this case, President Obama has numerous times displayed his outrageous anti-Semitic leanings making the Prime Minister of Israel exit out the back door of the White House, refusing to host him for dinner, to meet with him, or even shake his hand, and condones his administration calling him disgusting vile names.

Nations and people can disagree and they can still be the best of friends and allies, but Obama has chosen to display his very tangible anti-Semitism throughout his administration, and then culminated it with his dangerous nuclear deal and love affair with the Iranian regime, the #1 state sponsor of terrorism and human rights abuses worldwide. 

Racism and hatred begets more racism and hatred in the world. It is an unleashing of evil between different peoples, instead of a bonding and brotherhood of all people. 

Just look at the unfortunate effects in terms of racial divisiveness, global terrorism, civil war and coups, resurgent Russian and Chinese militaries, and the horrific impacts of violence, destruction, and refugees around the world today. 

When the esteemed President declares it's okay to hate--less than 70 years after the genocidal Holocaust that murdered 6 million Jews--then unfortunately it's open season once again. 

From The White House to the Olympics...President Obama has set a shameful, hate-filled anti-Semitic tone for his 8-year presidency.

Let us hope and pray that the next President is one that is not only a genuine solid leader, but also a good, decent, and loving human being. ;-)

(Source Photos: Here with attribution to Al-Monitor and The Israel Project via Facebook)


August 5, 2016

How The Election Makes Me Feel

Ok, this picture sums up my feelings about this election pretty well.

Wait is that the candidates or the way I feel? 

Like the Three Stooges, the pathetic behavior of the candidates is completely crazy and outrageous. 

And who's worse--corrupt  and scandalous or big mouth and offensive? 

We all have have our opinion, but maybe both types leave us dumbfounded and scratching our heads, and even not wanting to vote for either, at all. 

At this point, I think we are all probably somewhat embarrassed that this is the best our country has to offer.

With everyone hating on both candidates, but desperate to save their slice of the American pie, the put-downs, fights, and contempt have gotten completely out of hand. 

There is ZERO problem-solving going on, and we are in ridiculous mode, while the rest of the world spins out of control in the hands of terrorists, demagogues, as well as our global competition out there capitalizing on our incredible stupidity. 

I can only imagine the rest of the world watching our election play out--watching us--and thinking how did we ever get to be the superpower of this world? 

This is the tipping point for our country.

We brought so much greatness to the world, but what is left when we get to the point of candidates that no one can trust, let alone stomach. 

I think all we can do is pray that G-d sends an Independent candidate with true integrity and promise that everyone can really respect and rally around, and not have to settle for either bad or worse. 

A country that is 80% negative about its direction is called imploding and obviously that does not bode well for us or upcoming world events. 

Folks, this is going to take a miracle! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 4, 2016

America's Great Disappointment

So the Wall Street Journal asks today,"Why [Is] This Recovery Is So Lousy"?

They say that with Obama, "No president was ever better positioned to lead a strong resources were spared...yet not once in the last seven years has annual economic growth ever reached [even] 3%."

But the news gets worse, in fact, "U.S. GDP grew a disappointing 1.2% in the second quarter...[and] economic growth is now tracking at a 1% rate in 2016...that makes for an average annual 2.1% rate since the end of the recession."

And that is after Obama's $836 billion stimulus and $3 trillion in Federal reserves injected into the economy!

The Great Recession may be the most disastrous economic results short of the Great Depression itself.

However, this is not the only reason Americas are disappointed with what they are getting from Washington (and we won't even talk about the candidates).

80% say we are heading in the wrong direction!  Let's repeat that again, 80% say we are heading in the wrong direction.

Harvard Business Review says it's not just the economy stupid, since we still [despite ourselves--with failing policies of enormous tax and spend and over-regulation] rank #5 on GDP per capita. 

Yet that doesn't translate into overall social progress for us.

Get this, the U.S. ranks 19th in social progress in the world--just one place above Slovena!


- We rank 26th on personal rights because of restrictions on freedoms like the right of assembly. 

- We rank 27th on personal safety because of high homicides and poor road safety.

- We rank 36th on environmental quality because of high greenhouse gases and poor water quality.

- We rank 40th on basic knowledge because of poor education and high dropout rates.

- We rank 68th on health and wellness because of suicides, obesity, cancer, and heart disease.

HBR points out that there may be individual reasons for each of these, but overall this is a bleak "troubling picture" and Trump isn't the one who painted it.

The sad fact is that one of the only things that the U.S. is ranking #1 in the world in is our national debt to everyone else...and this is being squandered. 

Think good and hard about the nation you are leaving your children and grandchildren...this is a horrible performance scorecard for America, the superpower!  ;-)

(Source of the amazing photo: Minna Blumenthal)

August 2, 2016

Stealing The U.S. Election

So I've never seen anything quite like this before.

The liberal media is completely trying to destroy Trump, and this is a true crisis of democracy.

They are jumping on him like a gang of bandits, ruthlessly punching and kicking him into the pavement, while reveling in the ascendancy of their absolutely do no wrong Queen of the 2nd Impeached President of The United States of America.

The saying that all publicity is good publicity, has now been proved totally false!

Sure, does Trump have a big mouth and say stupid and offensive things, absolutely.

Is it possible that the guy is flawed, but really doesn't mean it the way it comes out, as awful as it does?

Never-the-less, the power elite behind the Hillary machine have seized on these things to label him a fascist, racist, Nazi, demagogue, black soul, evil, and even today in the respected Wall Street Journal, a sociopath

(Hopefully the stupidity of the people saying these wild-a*s things is forgiven, so G-d forbid one day we shouldn't have a candidate who really is like that!)

On Sunday, in the New York Times Review Section, it is not uncommon to find 3 articles on a single page dumping on Trump and almost the entire section dedicated to his downfall. 

And of course, this treatment of one candidate, Trump, is not over-the-top at all, and completely fair and balanced thinking and coverage (sarcastic), as we wholly forgive Hillary for (alleged) lying, collusion, corruption, foundation money laundering voter rigging, and year after year of failed global policies (anyone out there been following that 80% of the people are dissatisfied with the direction of this magnificient nation). 

Add to that the murder-suicides of dozens of people associated with the Clinton's from Vince Foster in the Whitewater scandal to the killing of DNC staffer, Seth Rich, out of the blue just last month in DC. 

Now let me say right out that I am the first one to condemn Trump's outrageous and off-the-cuff statements about a disabled reporter, a POW Senator, and the the Muslim parents of a fallen soldier--yes, these are truly despicable and stupid things. 

But yet, when I watch the tapes and hear the guy speak, I think that very possibly he is just a huge, nutty-type of eccentric, like these very rich people, under the covers, tend to be. 

I think his mouth gets away from his brain, and yes while this is obviously not a good thing for an ostentatious Presidential candidate, why has the opposition been so successful at completely demonizing the guy (and don't just say that he did it to himself) and giving a bright shiny nickle to the other candidate?

Is saying stupid things (even very stupid and grossly offensive things) really the equivalent of being a Nazi and sociopath--and is he truly worse than someone involved in lying, collusion, corruption, and global leadership failures that literally can threaten our nation's security and take us down a path of true global disorder (how's that relationship with the powerful Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and North Korea as well as the state of unabated worldwide terrorism doing these days)?

The left, including many prominent media outlets, have jumped on the band-wagon to label the opposition and they have been unrelenting and ruthless at destroying only one of the candidates, Trump, while they continue to give Hillary more or less of a free pass--does anyone wonder about this? 

Rather than a fascist candidate, maybe what we really have is an an outrageous attempt at a fascist election system!

I wonder whether the people supporting this ones-sided narrative and single party election will come to regret their boundless political wisdom, hard and fast professional assessments, and vicious character assassinations, once we are well into the next term of President. 

What will the pundits and media say when the economic bubble tears, when major terrorism strikes big and bad, when global upheaval dangerously spreads, and all we get is more spin, deception, inaction, and leadership from behind--are you so sure that is better than a candidate with a big mouth, but also who can build big skyscrapers and skylines over a new horizon for this country? 

Will the pundits, media echo chamber, and the elites absolutely forcing Hillary to the top have a reckoning of thinking and conscience, with their air of puffery knocked out of them--will they have the presence of mind to question for a moment their choice of a candidate with a life-filled of scandal over a big-mouth, clumsy New York billionaire builder. 

Finally, when one thinks of insane and evil, aren't the activities that Hillary is accused of exactly those. 

Perhaps this is truly the crooked pot calling the big mouth kettle black, and the biggest election coup and voter fraud taking place right under your mightily socially engineered noses. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 12, 2016

The Bully Pulpit

So I took this photo in the Renwick Gallery.

I believe it is called, "Apocalypse."

And the miserable misanthrope evil-doers are riding in on their fiery mule to lie, murder, and destroy.

Perhaps what's not so bad in-and-of itself is to have to face many of life's challenges and work hard to overcome them.

But what is unconscionable these-days is that we are being often and repeatedly lied to and manipulated.

No longer is the truth and good seemingly on top of the agenda, but rather the script of normalcy and calm is paramount. 

Thus, rather than passion and piloting, we get a lot of spin, exaggeration, manipulation, and some could say outright lies, for example: 

- The "health of the economy" (anyone look at our runaway national debt register or grossly widening economic inequality lately)

- The "security of our nation" (anyone believe that Iran or North Korea are standing down their WMD programs)

- That ISIS is on the run and terrorism is waning (anyone really think San Bernardino or Fort Hood was "workplace violence")

- The success of the nation's newest healthcare program (anyone believe that the public "Affordable Care" insurance is giving healthy coverage at great prices)

- The absence of bigotry and discrimination (anyone think that racism isn't so bad with killings over taillights and at "peaceful" protests)

- The transparency of our government (anyone look at the statements of the FBI versus the former first lady). 

And doesn't the list goes on and on. 

Listen, we all make mistakes, including leaders, but creating a false narrative for the "stupid" public and media "echo chamber" is beyond immoral--it literally breaks the compass. 

Civilized society and any vestige of positive relationships therein is built of trust and communication, but when these are simply tools to fool the coined dumb-a*s people, rather than lead them, then we are listening only to evildoers on a bully pulpit. 

Maybe that's why nearly 70% think we're headed in the wrong direction...because look at the absence of integrity leading the pack. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)