Showing posts with label Weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weird. Show all posts

March 19, 2016

Bricks And Chips

This was quite interesting in the local food store. 

There in the aisle are shelves full of chips to eat. 

On this shelf were Stacy's Pita Crisps--5 Cheese Flavor...doesn't sound too bad.

But next to the chips, on the same shelf, was a brick...yes, literally a solid brick wrapped in cellophane...why to keep it fresh!

Who would wrap a brick in cellophane and put it out among the other foods to eat???

Maybe the chocolate custard-filled donuts got stale--very stale--and turned into a brick. 

So even the cellophane wrapping couldn't keep it fresh.

Never buy baked goods wrapped in already know they are old(ish) and who knows it could be turning into a stale brick. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 21, 2016

I Think I'll Just Take A Snooze--Right Over Here

This was a funny photo in the mall this weekend. 

We are passing by this mattress store. 

The sign over the bed says:

"See and feel how a Sleep Number bed adjusts to you"

This family is apparently trying out the new mattress. 

They have made themselves quite comfortable--and they sort of just continue to lay there and lay there.

The guy looks like he's watching TV and the mom and daughter are playing something. 

We take a stroll around the mall and eventually (maybe 20 minutes later) pass back by this store.

Guess what? These people are still laying on the mattress, and they haven't budged an inch. 

They don't look homeless or anything. 

Not sure if this Sleep Number is adjusting to them or they are still adjusting to the Sleep Number.

Honey, can you pass the cover. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 14, 2015

Smokem Peace Pipe

So we are almost all settled in our new place (now about 2 1/2 months)...

And in the kitchen, I am re-organizing one of the top cabinets. 

I reach in the very back, and I feel something all the way in the corner. 

I pick it up and pull it out, and it's this really weird looking smelly pipe. 

The pipe has a face on it and a blue and red stone above and below it. 

My wife says it looks like a peace pipe, although I've never really seen one of those before. 

There are no feathers or pictures of Indians on it, just this crazy-face staring up with crooked teeth and a big schnoz. 

Did someone actually smoke this thing? 

Ick, washed my hands like 3 times. 

Left it on the counter to show the rest of the family.

Throw that G-d darn thing out!

Dirty smokem peace pipe with ugly face heading down the garbage chute--wonder if I should've sold it on ebay. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 22, 2015

Strange Leggings

Took this photo in the mall of this very strange looking pair of leggings. 

Sort of an ancient Egyptian style complete with princess, gold, and a cast of phony "G-ds"--sun, falcon, tiger, and more.  

Not sure who would actually wear these, but all the power to them. 

They are made so you "Walk like An Egyptian"--Go Bangles!

Can you hear me sing it?  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 20, 2014

The Grafitti Car

So you like your car with a little Graffiti?

Someone here's covered bumper to bumper!

Wonder if this car also is one of those self-driving it's real special inside and out.

This car can be yours if the Price is that's a different show. 

Anyway, another day of more zany antics and styles coming to you from Washington, D.C. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
