Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

July 27, 2014

The Calorie Count Cookie

So we were out with family at a vegetarian Chinese restaurant. 

And at the end of the meal, of course there were fortune cookies to be had.

As someone opened the cookie, and was about to plop it in her mouth, she said, "Ah, there goes another 100 calories!"

Then I thought for a moment, and said, "wouldn't it be great (for those of us watching our weight), if every food had an edible embedded chip and display that would flash the calorie count as you picked it up and were about to put it in your mouth. 

Rather than those esoteric calorie counts on the side of packages for G-d knows what serving sizes, you get a play-by-play count every time you reach, pick up, and are about to ingest the next big gulp.

I think having calorie counts tied to real portions and having these in your face in real time as you are eating could have a huge impact on portion size and weight control. 

It may not be sexy to see the calories in your face as you eat, but boy could it be healthy. ;-)

Copyright to Andy Blumenthal

(Source Photo: Me)

October 5, 2012

You Are What You Eat--Check It Out

So I went to get my flu shot this week, and I ended up getting an education. 

Sitting on the table in the health unit was this Fat Facts by Health Edco

It compares the calories, fat content, and cholesterol of your "favorite foods."

From grilled chicken sandwiches to tacos, hot dogs, french fries, breakfast burritos, and the double cheeseburger--look at that last one, makes me glad it's not Kosher. ;-)

You can visibly see the "thick and slow moving" saturated fat at the bottom (ugh!) and the clearer, cleaner, unsaturated fat above it. 

The volumes of this stuff that people are putting in their bodies and blood is mind-boggling when you see it like this--up close and personal. 

Makes you think twice about what you eat--or it should. 

Have a happy weekend--eat healthy!

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 1, 2012

Weighing the Odds

This was a very effective ad that I saw in the doctor's office for weight loss. 

Look at all the problems that excess weight causes.

And see how unattractive that big gut can be--no offense. 

While this week, research studies on monkeys were reported not to extend life span, I think we all know intuitively well that staying "trim and fit" is the way to go from a health perspective. 

There is a good saying that I plastered up a couple of years back that said "nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"

Many years ago, my cousin David was diagnosed with brain cancer. He tried all sorts of traditional medical treatments, and nothing much was working. After consulting some nutrition experts, his wife supported him in going on a macrobiotic diet, and this seemed to help him for some time.  Finally though David succumbed to the brain tumor after struggling about 10 years. 

This past week, a friend of mine, who has had some health problems recently, told me he was trying the vegan diet too for a couple of weeks, but already after a few days was touting how much better he was feeling. 

From my experience, the carbs and processed foods are the worst for us--and on top of it, completely addictive.  

When I am strong enough mentally, I really believe in Dr. Atkins high protein diet--although after a few days, you lose your appetite for good reason--it tastes, horrible.

With the odds against those carrying around a lot of extra pounds, we all need to keep fighting the good fight here--against the battle of the bulge. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
