Showing posts with label Taste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taste. Show all posts

September 4, 2015

Feeling So Naughty

Ok, so Dossy brought home a new snack.

It's from Trader Joe's and it's called Baconesque.

It's popcorn with white cheddar and bacon-like's Kosher (OU, Dairy)!

The sidebar from the man and lady dancing on the packaging says, "I can't believe it's not bacon!" and I'm thinking I can't believe it's just like bacon!

So I tear open the package, and dug in for my first taste of bacon-like popcorn (note: except for imitation bacon bites which my sister used to put on salads, I've never tasted bacon or anything like it). 

One handful, two handful...almost puking now. 

Yeah, it tastes like I thought it would, but maybe Jews know a little something too...I like a good piece of beef better, much much better.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 15, 2014

Want to Ride The Falafel Bus?

Falafel is a funny sounding food, but actually tastes pretty good. 

The best that I've ever had was in Tel Aviv with spicy falafel balls, hot french fries, and loads of creamy Tehina stuffed in the pita.

Only thing better is with juicy grilled schwarma, right off the rotating fire spit, and hot sauce, and for that try Max's in Silver Spring. 

One of my friends used to joke about the guy with an accent selling falafel, but who used to ring out (what sounded like), "Pizza and Palapel!" 

In terms of getting it from a curbside bus--only if it is hot and kosher. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 4, 2013

It's Not Bread

While a mitzvah (Biblical commandment) to eat Matzah on Passover...

With all due respect, during the rest of the year, they can't even give it away for free. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
