Showing posts with label Song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Song. Show all posts

May 13, 2012

Stronger, Indeed.

Combine the Seattle Children's Hospital Hemoncology Unit with Kelly Clarkson's song "Stronger," and you have the true essence of bravery and hope. 

Having recently been in the hospital for a short time for my own health issues, I know how difficult it can be--how defeated it feels.

It is amazing when someone brings you just a glimmer of hope, how much stronger you can feel. 

For me, my family with me made a world of difference, but also when they brought me a laptop connecting me back to the world and giving me the ability to write and express myself.

Other hospital visits for other health issues have been longer in the past--and I want to run out the door, and there was a time that I actually did--walking around the grounds in my hospital gown--any way to be free. 

Having the freedom to help yourself, be yourself--and not just lay there--is a true gift.

When I see the little boy racing around the hospital floor in his go-car with the I.V. hanging off the back, I am inspired. 

As when I see the victims singing, dancing, and holding signs of hope and strength. 

May G-d have mercy on our ill and downtrodden and raise them up up to be stronger indeed.


March 15, 2012

A Beautiful Prayer for Peace In The Holy Land

This is a stirring video with the Prayer for Israel. 

From the ashes of the millions murdered in the Holocaust to the founding of the democratic State of Israel...a miracle!

We share the same values and now with threats from Iran to destroy Israel, we pray for a resolution that safeguards the people and the Holy Land. 

So the vision of Bible will be fulfilled, and peace can prevail again for all faiths.

"Nation will not life up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore." - Isaiah 2:4


July 20, 2011

G-d Bless America

Great job by the Silhouettes last night on America's Got Talent.
An inspiring remembrance for upcoming 10-year anniversary of 9-11.
Truly, the land of the free, brave, and talented.


May 7, 2011

Beyonce Moves Us

This video is funny and enjoyable to watch; only 20 million views on I late to this one?

Leadership lesson: some things are just primal (like music, song, dance...) and we can reach people on many levels through intellect, emotion, spiritual, and so forth.

People are not just one sided, but complex and you never know when even a baby will just get down and move to Beyonce.

Thanks to a colleague for sending this to me.
