Showing posts with label Hiking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiking. Show all posts

July 27, 2012

Butterflies In The Summer

These are two pictures of beautiful butterflies that I took today while hiking. 

The first is a black and white butterfly with some gold accents--it's wings were enormous and it is spread over multiple leaves--it sort of reminds me of Batman. 

The second was gold and black with a double wing and a mosaic like pattern--almost like Tiffany glass. 

It was amazing see these beautiful creatures up close and actually I was surprised that they stayed still long enough for me to get near enough to snap these photos.

On a hot, lazy day on the Shenandoah River, maybe they gave me this one. 

Thank you G-d for the magnificent beauty of the creatures and the Earth that you provide to us. 

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


July 22, 2012

Happy Mr. Smiley Rock

Remember the Pet Rock--someone made millions of dollars selling lonely people a rock with instructions for care.

Playing around on the computer this evening, I crafted a new character.

Meet Mr. Smiley Rock. 

He tough as a rock, handsome with his lovely hair, and dashing with a smile that's ear to ear. 

I started with a picture of a rock that I noticed when hiking. 

The rock had leaves at the top that made it look like hair to me (I know crazy, huh). 

I thought to myself take the photo and then when I am back, I can just add a smiley face and voila--it'll come alive. 

I found this cute smiley face balloon online and created this mashup. 

I showed it to my wife who gave it her expert blessing. 

Now, I share it for your enjoyment and critique. 

Hey, what are weekends for if not a little fun and creativity?

(Source Photo of Smiley Balloon: here and adapted with my photo of the rock with leaf hair)

July 15, 2012

Tubing Away The Shenandoah

This is a picture from today of people tubing gathered under the Harpers Ferry Bridge in West Virginia. 

The hiking along the Appalachian Trail was incredible and the water was warm when we waded in off the river bank. 

I have never seen it so busy on the Shenandoah river. 

People were rafting, tubing, swimming, huddled on tubes together talking and singing, picnicking, and laying, relaxing, and suntanning on the rocks in the middle of the river. 

What a beautiful day--thank you G-d. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 8, 2012

Nature Lover

This was a nature picture that I took today while on a little hike in a local park in Maryland.

I like the perspective of this picture and the depth that captures the trees, rocks, water, foliage, and even a walking bridge. 

It was 100 degrees today and we were pretty sweaty making our way through the winding paths, but it was worth it. 

It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful for 99% of the time. 

At one point, we saw some other hikers from a distance and one was literally naked head-to-toe changing their clothes--ah, awkward! 

And no, they are not in the picture. ;-) 

Afterwards, an ice-cold Coke Slurpee from 7-Eleven really hit the spot. 

I feel like a happy camper, thank G-d. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
