Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts

April 19, 2016

Her Hair Was A Hoot

No offense intended, but not going to miss this lady in a crowd.

Orange-hot pink hair, a zebra shirt, big black-rimmed glasses, and a wild bag with dozens of pins all over it. 

It was also funny that the sign over her head says, "Orange" to match this lady's hair. 

My childhood friends would probably call this a "Hair Don't" like a hairdo, only don't do it!

Sometimes, you have to wonder what people are thinking.

It's nice to get attention, if it's attention worth getting. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 4, 2016

A Person's Beauty

I took this photo yesterday of a mannequin that shows off her hair. 

It's amazing what hair does for a person.

I remember learning in Yeshiva that hair is considered the crown on a person's head. 

People go through all sorts of time and expense to keep their hair, grow it out, clean it, and style it.

Often not having hair means that person is sick and on heavy doses of medication or chemotherapy that makes their hair fall out. 

People put on wigs or other heads coverings for religious piety, modesty, and to consecrate themselves to G-d and/or their beloved--so that only they should see it--as something special between them. 

Sometimes, a person's hair is cut off to dehumanize them like the Nazi's did to the Jews and as happens to other prisoners. 

Also, when people go to the military, they are given a crew cut to take away their hair and individuality while they learn to conform and be obedient to their chain of command. 

Often in fights, people grab and pull a person by their hair to control and hurt them. 

But mostly, hair is soft, sensual and looks good on a person (except when it doesn't)--generally it evokes youth, vibrance, freedom, and sexuality. 

Of course beauty is only skin deep, but the hair is truly the majestic crown that G-d gave us. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 16, 2015

Lady You Bring Me Up When I'm Down

I'm been wanting to post this gallery photo for a while now. 

I think this is a great expression of the beauty that some women possess. 

The hair, eyes, lips, shape of the face...G-d is a terrific creator!

This makes me think of the song by the Commodores, Lady You Bring Me Up When I Am Down.

BTW, my wife is even more gorgeous (true)! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 13, 2014

Purple Hair Day

This lady in line at Starbucks apparently likes purple, a lot. 

It seems a pretty common favorite among many women.

One that I know claims she ALWAYS wears something with purple.

When I saw her a couple of times seemingly without any purple clothing or accessories, I asked innocently, "So no purple today?"

She replied with a big grin, "Oh, it's there!"

Yikes, TMI--don't ask so many questions. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
