Showing posts with label Costume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Costume. Show all posts

October 30, 2017

Halloween DC Style

So Halloween in Washington, D.C. is no small deal.

I liked the new spooky Orange Fanta soda cans with the scary lady on it--it really stood out from all the others--Coke, Pepsi, etc.--that were otherwise so boring. 

Then there was this other lady riding the Metro in her Halloween outfit--anybody need a nurse?

Let's just say she seems to have evoked some attention on the train. 

Even more than another women (lower left) holding 2 baby dolls slumped over backwards in a very unfortunate manner.

One more is Mr. Baywatch lifeguard here, and peering over his shoulder is someone with scary Zombie hallowed out black eyes and sharp growling teeth!

Finally, one of my wonderful colleagues told me about a Halloween party she went to with her male friend. 

I asked whether they dressed up. 

She said, "yeah," and smiled.

So I asked, "What did you dress up as?"

Well this was a new one for me...

She was dressed up as the jelly side of the sandwich and he was the peanut butter side. 

What all this means for this zany holiday, I have no idea...but it's a fun time of year that doesn't go unnoticed by anyone. ;-)

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


October 15, 2017

World Of Amazing Times and People

Took this video at the World of Montgomery Festival today. 

The dancers, singers, drummers, and costumes were all great.

The weather today an unseasonably warm 76 degrees and being out and about was fun. 

Plus it was an extra special treat to meet up with my pal Congressman Jamie Raskin. 

Thank you G-d for all the amazing times and good people. 

(Source Video and Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

March 13, 2017

Know Before Whom You Stand

So this was one of those amazing types of photos--like a one in a million. 

It was taken in Synagogue in front of the aron (ark) where the Holy Torahs are kept.

On Sabbath and holidays, after services, devout people often go up to the doors of the ark to say a personal and silent prayer of devotion getting up close to the Torahs (G-d's sacred words to us). 

What you'll see here is that someone is dressed (for Purim) as Superwoman. 

The juxtaposition of Superwoman to the Holy ark is accentuated by the words above the ark, which translated from the Hebrew states:

"Know before whom you stand."

A cautionary note and reminder that before the ark, we are literally standing before the presence of G-d (and to conduct ourselves with the utmost respect and propriety)

So in this picture, we have Superwoman standing before G-d, the most super of them all!

When I think of how minuscule we as human beings are before our Maker, it is magnified for me that even the most super of human beings infinitely pales when standing in front of the majesty and omnipotence of our L-rd. 

Superman and Superwoman prostrate yourselves before Hashem, even as we all must do. ;-) 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal with compliments to Monique for the photo)

March 11, 2017

Magen David's Got Purim Talent 2017


March 23, 2016

Happy Purim At Magen David

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


December 3, 2014

Royal In Red

Took this photo on posh Las Olas, Fort Lauderdale. 

First, I thought this lady was asking for a handout with the cup.

But looks can be deceiving...

As I got closer, I realized that was her morning coffee...really!

Must've been some wild night out.

How come I never get to go to parties like that? ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)