Showing posts with label Fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fish. Show all posts

September 20, 2017

There Is Always A Bigger Fish

So as we are about to enter Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year...

I want to share a very important lesson that I came across again this year. 

The lesson is:
No matter how big a fish you think you are, there is ALWAYS a bigger fish out there.

You may have position, title, money, status, and all the trimmings, but someone with more of this and that and the other thing (and overall power) can come along at any time--at G-d's decree--and swallow you right up.  

I connect this to the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah when it is customary to go and cast bread (symbolic for our sins) into a natural body of water, so the fish can eat them up--and in a spiritual sense we throw away our sins and cleanse ourselves of our wrongdoings over the last year--let the fish have them. 

And like the fish eating our sins, I think another more powerful person can come and swallow us up and even spit us out (like Jonah and the Whale)--we are all fallible and mortal. 

We are made from dust and we go to dust, and my dad would joke to clean up the mounds of dust under my bed!

As we enter the New Year, may Hashem have mercy on us and bless us, and may we have peace, health, and prosperity, and may we be written in the Book of Life.

Oh yeah, and may no fish big or small come against us to cause us distress or harm--G-d is the Almighty Protector--Amen! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 1, 2017

Sushi Socks Dating

So this is a novel way to sell socks.

Roll them up and package them like a sushi roll. 

Socks are the colors and textures of various fish.

Not sure why anyone would want socks that mimic sushi...

Unless of course, you feet stink like raw fish!

My wife knows this true story about this one girl that I dated before I met her, and she came over to my parents house and was waiting for me. 

When I got there, she was sitting on the couch and her shoes were off. 

It was after a long day at work apparently, and her feet smelled worse than any fish I could imagine. 

Literally, I think I could've passed out right there on the floor. 

Date was over and quick, and I never forget those sushi feet. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 6, 2016

Seaweed Success Diet

Ok, I am going to let you in on a little secret. 

Part of the success of my diet. 

This is us checking out at register. 

The cashier is tallying up dozens of Wasabi Roasted Seaweeds.

The stuff is a great healthy snack. 

I had read for years now how the healthy Japanese diet includes plenty of seaweed and fish. 

And I have been imitating their knowledgable ways. 

And it is working, thank G-d.

Of course, the wasabi flavor gives it a little kick too. 

Do yourselves a favor and get rid of all the disgusting carbohydrates in your life. 

They are poison from an industry that wants you addicted to their garbage foods. 

Get back to basics like fish, meat, vegetables, and that includes plenty of seaweed. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 17, 2016

Japanese Cuisine Through Sheltered Eyes

So I had my first Miso Soup today.

Actually, I shared it with my wife who checked that the stock was kosher--the lady said bonito--and my wife said, good. 

I'm a Jewish kid from the Bronx--what do I know from Miso Soup. 

So about the only thing that I can tell you about the soup is what a fishy taste!

I know it's supposed to be really good for you--and that's why I even tried it. 

But the closest thing that I can compare it to is the when my mom used to boil the wrapped gefilte fish in water before Shabbat--well the leftover water that gets discarded--that's what in my imagination Miso Soup tasted like. 

Would I get it again? 

Let's just say, I wouldn't run to get it--however, for good health, I may hold my taste buds and sense of smell of all the fishy stuff in abeyance, and just drink in down.

In general though, I really like some Asian cuisine--for example, with vegetarian dishes things like Kung Po Tofu and Mo-Po Tofu or Crispy Eggplant and Vegetables in Fried Rice. 

The other thing I really like is the innovative Japanese Ramune "marble soda" in which you push out a real marble from the spout into the bottle and it rolls around inside while you drink the refreshing fruity flavors (don't worry, it's not as dangerous as it sounds). 

Last thing, I'll mention is that I won't eat sushi--raw fish seems like it's primed to give you a nice big stomach ache--now this reminds me of another type of dish in Jewish tradition and that's herring (often served with cream sauce) and prominent at many a Ashkenazi kiddush served after synagogue services. 

With the Sushi, if they can somehow manage to cook it for me and use kosher fish, okay--otherwise, I'm heading to the nearest Chinese Kosher Restaurant for some nice Sesame, Kung Pao, Moo Shu, or Lo Mein with Beef or Chicken. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 26, 2015

Five Types Of Managers


Big Mouth



The Snake

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


April 16, 2013

World's Most Beautiful Elevator

The world's most beautiful elevator has got to be the AquaDom in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Berlin.

It contains a cylindrical elevator inside a 1 million liter fish tank filled with 1,500 fish of 50 species. 

If you can't get to the ocean, then bring the ocean to you--spectacular! ;-)

(Source Photo: here with attribution to Eric Pancer via Wikipedia)

December 25, 2012

A Trip To The Science Museum

We went to the Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Discovery and Science—it was quite impressive.

Outside, where you enter, there is a huge clock -tower contraption with overhead slides and rolling balls, and water turning wheels on the side—it’s a “what is it” (exactly) moment and you know you're there. 

We hit the space exhibits first—I entered a simulator for a jet fighter cockpit, managed to take off with relative ease, but soon crashed, flipping it upside down—oops a little too much thrust.

The NASA exhibits were cool such as the MARS rover and colony mockups. And the Styrofoam wings that you can put on in a wind chamber and see how aerodynamically you are (or are not) was fun. 

Next up was the medical exhibits—we put together a puzzle of full body x-rays (“the shin bones connected to the...”), maneuvered a Da Vinci surgical robot arms, and zapped tumor cells with a mock laser.  

Oddly placed but interesting was the Gecko exhibit—with different colorful species hanging upside down and sideways with their suction cup feet. Couldn’t help thinking, which of them had been selling car insurance on those always-on Geico commercials or maybe this is the place they send them when they don’t perform on cue? 

Going through the exhibit on levers and pulleys, I used between 1-6 pulleys to lift a large stack of cinderblocks—and for the fewer pulleys, I thought good thing I had some Wheaties in the morning for breakfast, so I wouldn’t be embarrassed pulling on the ropes. 

The minerals, gems, fossils, corals, and dinosaur displays were somewhat meager, but were nicely laid out and a decent representation to get the idea.  

There was also an IMAX theatre with a 3-D movie and those crazy glasses you have to wear to watch these—but the cartoon playing wasn’t the action and adventure I was looking for. 

One of the exhibits’ I enjoyed the most was the fish—of all types—some favorites were a huge purple-like lobster, the playful otters, the bobbing water turtles and many others.

We also stood inside a mammoth replica of a shark and took turns hanging out of its mouth—and feeling what it was like to be Jonah and the whale.

There was also a weather news station, where you get to playact newscaster, and we used the TV cameras and tele-prompters to give updates of everything from hail storms to wild fires—now, I know how they always seem to know just what to say and when--so perfectly. 

Another cool display had to do with sustainability and the environment—with a robot sitting in the middle of piles of trash and recyclables—not sure why he was there though—was he trying to decide what to recycle and reuse?

I don’t believe that I saw anything significant on alternative energy or on general computers and the Internet—and if there wasn’t anything particualr on these, I would definitely like to see them added.

Overall, good job Ft. Lauderdale—worth the trip—and thank you for spreading a love of science with all. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
