July 15, 2015

The World's Most Dangerous Game Of Chicken

Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal does a nice job explaining in simple terms why Iran can't be allowed to get the bomb--not now and not in 10-15 years. 

Iran is not playing by the same rules as the West!

And like when playing chicken, the one who is the chicken and tries to simply avoid confrontation through appeasement and concessions--they end up driving off the road and are the losers.

And one who is the hawk--willing to not only keep on pursuing their goals, but also to actually either use it or to stop it's use by any and all means--chances to be the winner. 

However, the problem with nukes is that when someone is crazy enough to actually use them, then millions of decent, peaceful-loving people are the real losers. 

And like with Hitler (may his name be cursed) who made known in "Mein Kampf" his crazed ambitions for world domination and blatantly murdered millions...

Iran, the world's leading state-sponsor of terrorism and human rights offender today, continues to boldly chant "Death to America" and threatens to "annihilate" the State of Israel, while pursuing nukes, ballistic missiles, and a Shiite Caliphate. 

This is perhaps the world's most dangerous "game" of chicken, and the cost of being wrong, never higher. 

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