November 21, 2021

Sad Sad Umbrella

Not an umbrella that you'd want in the sun or rain. 

It's the saddest umbrella in the world.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 20, 2021

When Hypocrisy Leads To Abuse

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "When Hypocrisy Leads to Abuse."

As many of you, I have been following the news about sexual abuse allegations against Rabbi Chaim Walder and have been horrified and disgusted that this renowned ultra-orthodox Children’s book author and therapist is now accused of abusing the same. Like community Rabbis (e.g. Rabbi Barry Freundel) or Jewish educators (e.g. Stanley Rosenfeld), this phenomenon of using a privileged position to take advantage of women and children is certainly, by this time, not new and remains a stain on the Jewish community, no different than that of the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts for the abuse by its priest and leaders on those that trusted them and the religious values and ideals they represent.

Truly, these horrible acts of hurting, abusing, and scarring for life women and children (including boys) are regrettably all around us, whether with domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, and human trafficking. But fortunately now they are at least “out of the closet” where rather than have the community deny the possibility that such evil exists or even circle the wagons to wholly protect the perpetrators (before fully investigating the facts), we now have greater recognition and are working towards accountability of these wrongs, and hopefully, far greater protection for people in the future.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 19, 2021

Ready To Drag Race

I'm not sure a Nissan is generally "all that." 

But this guy definitely souped it up so that it looks pretty nice! 

Why don't call cars look exciting like that?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 18, 2021

Way To Go Girl Power

Powerpuff Girls.

That's messaging girl power! 

And women empowerment, as it should be. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 17, 2021

Gorgeous Fall Leaves

Wow, gorgeous fall change of colors for the leaves. 

It almost looks like the tree is golden, heavenly and floating. 

We're so lucky to get to experience the wonders of nature. 

Thank you G-d!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Minna Blumenthal)


November 16, 2021

Dog Likes Starbucks

Dog(s) like Starbucks coffee.

And people like (dog) biscuits.

What's the world coming to?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)


November 14, 2021

Purple Polka Dot Balloon

Purple polka dot (PPD) balloon.

Just hanging around on the window sill.

Caught up in the draw strings from the shades and electrical wires. 

It's an odd sighting of a PPD balloon.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 13, 2021

“Rock and Roll” With Chabad


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Rock and Roll With Chabad."

People are often blocked from moving forward by uncertainty, indecision, insecurity, self-doubt, hesitancy, worry, and fear, yet one man, such as Jacob, can stand up and move that big rock off the well if he just sets his mind to it and tries!
The bottom line is that when people say it can’t be done or to wait because it will take an entire village of shepherds to simply move the rock from the well, instead we can see that even one determined person can “rock and roll,” make a difference, and start to make something special and meaningful happen.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 12, 2021

Service With A Smile

Best bell to ring for service. 

The smile is contagious. 

One ring, and the customer service representative comes running. 

Excellence starts with the first ring! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 11, 2021

Been There Done That

Funny bumper sticker:

Been There Wrecked That!

And all I got was this lousy t-shirt.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 10, 2021

The Amazing Turtle

Love Turtles. 

Peaceful and protected. 

They live in water and land. 

Not the fastest, but the most determined.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 9, 2021

Colorful Drinking

That's an "absolut"ely friendly-looking bottle of vodka. 

You drink it one ribbon at a time? ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 8, 2021

Joke of a Pumpkin


Wow, someone made a real joke(r) out of this pumpkin!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 6, 2021

Jewish Unity Is Strength

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Jewish Unity Is Strength."

It didn’t matter what race or nationality the person who had been hit by the car was, she was a human being in pain and who needed the help of others. We Jews need to remember that this is life in a nutshell. Life can change in split instance for better or G-d forbid, for worse. We need one another. No man is an island. We can’t afford to play holier than thou with anyone else. Only G-d can judge who is really “religious” and who is wanting.

It brought to my mind the irony that with the Jewish people, we are a small minority in the world, and yet we often disagree, fight, and can be intolerant and neglectful of one another despite facing anti-Semitism and other crises. This is far from the ideal of demonstrating love and acceptance, unifying ourselves together, and becoming as strong and effective as a “light unto nations” that we could and should be.

We can have our personal and communal ideals and standards, but at the same time have empathy for the journey that people are on. Therefore, we should strive to treat each other with kindness and tolerance and put aside the lofty and phony airs of personal judgement and exclusivity. Because in the end, no one knows who is laying next on the street waiting for that ambulance to come.

(Credit Painting: Dannielle Blumenthal)

November 4, 2021

Hatchet Halloweenie

That hatchet says it all. 

You know what they'll do to you if they catch you.

Mohel on steroids. 

Maybe that's what the big scare is on Halloweenie.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 3, 2021

Bath Time Ducks

I'm not sure what's the novelty of all the ducks. 

Yes, they float in the bath tub! 

That's nice, so what.

They make a squeaky noise. 

Again, so what. 

They are not soft and cuddly.

They look sort of goofy.

Why in the world are we proliferating ducks???  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Rebecca)


November 2, 2021

Delicious Knafeh

Soft pastry, hot cheese, smooth cream, sweet syrup, crunchy almonds and pistachio.

What a scrumptious treat!

Straight from Jerusalem market. 

It literally melts in your mouth.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Itzchak) 


November 1, 2021

Sleep Apnea and Respiratory Disorders

The pharmacy now has all these options on display for respiratory disorders (Sleep Apnea, COPD, etc.)

You can get full face, nasal mask (2 versions), or nasal "pillows".

How does one choose? I guess your doctor knows.

Looks challenging to try and sleep with these, but I guess you may have to do what you have to do. 

At least, there are therapeutic options these days, and hopefully many more in the future for all the illnesses out there!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

(Note: Not intended as medical advice in any way!)


October 31, 2021

What’s Your Kindness

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "What's Your Kindness."

When we are happy, we are able to graciously and generously give to others, and when we give to others, we are able to be happy! All the other pursuits in life such as wealth, ego, good looks, and so on are nothing but vanities (like King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes), and in the end lead to nothing but loss and suffering. However, giving and the happiness and positive spiritual energy it creates endures.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 29, 2021

Japanese Umbrella

Waiting on line with a Japanese Umbrella. 

Anime boy and girl with big eyes

Rain on one side, and sunny on the other. 

Big sunshine in the middle and flowers all around.

Definitely another standout!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 28, 2021

Horse on Blue

Nice horse on blue background. 

Seems so alive and is a real standout!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 27, 2021

Metaverse Arriving Soon

This little guy looks like he's right out of the Metaverse. 

Follow me and let's hang out, play video games, have a meeting, or do a little shopping. 

It's a world within our world and nothing is beyond your imagination!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 26, 2021

Xylophone in Park

Cool instrument.

Lousy musician.  ;-)

(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)


October 25, 2021

Looking Up

Took this photo laying under a tree and looking up at the sky. 

Feel the connection between earth and heaven. 

Hi G-d!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 24, 2021

@Watkins Regional Park


(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


October 23, 2021

Love Your Family As The Stranger

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Love Your Family As The Stranger."

When it comes to strangers, it’s almost easier to put on a face, act all proper, and do what’s right because they aren’t our family, thus Avraham could run to help the strangers. Yet, when it comes to our own families, we don’t feel it necessary to keep up pretenses. We sometimes say and do things to family that we would likely never say to or do in front of strangers, like Avraham telling Hagar and Ishmael to get out! We may even betray and hurt the ones we love, like when Avraham said Sarah was his sister putting her at jeopardy with Avimelekh. Further, we “sacrifice” our children and spouses by putting our work (sometimes 24/7), social media, and our own brand and needs first, and don’t adequately pay attention to what’s really going on with our families, their needs, aspirations, and troubles; for example, Avraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, his and Sarah’s only child and “the son of her old age.” We take for granted and even advantage of our families, because we can. And some at the further bad end of the spectrum, “go home and kick the dog!” Yes, the pictures that everyone posts on Facebook and Instagram are what people want you to see and think about them (their personal brand): that everything’s all rosy and they have the perfect lives and families, but I venture to guess that often, it’s far from the reality of what goes on “behind closed doors.”
All of us need to pay attention and do what’s right not only when we want to look good in front of others, but knowing that even in our own homes, G-d is watching what we do and how we treat each other.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 22, 2021

Lime Green Bowl

Wow, this is a standout bowl for any table. 

The lime green floating in the waves of this glass is amazing. 

Never thought I'd be mesmerized by anything green that wasn't in nature!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 21, 2021

Buddha Planter

Thought this was a great planter.

Beautiful purple flowers coming right from Buddha's head.

Serene in so many ways! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 20, 2021

Politically Incorrect Ointment

Couldn't believe that this was a real product in CVS.

Didn't think any legitimate product would actually be named "Butt Paste."

Can you imagine going up to the pharmacist and asking:

Do you have any butt paste?


Oh yes, it's in Aisle 7. Do you want me to show you where it is?

Now, we're really going down a rabbit's hole! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 19, 2021

Choose A Doll

Choose a doll, any doll.

Unfortunately, these remind me of Stephen King's Children of the Corn.

Watch out grown ups, they're coming for yoooou! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 18, 2021

Weight Discrepancy

Maybe a little weight discrepancy on this boat.

Net effect is similar to the Titanic.

What is that cute little dog make a poop like that?  

Sh*t flows downhill, as they say.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 17, 2021

Moving Me Down The Highway

Beach living!

It's living. 

Sun, sand, and surf. 

And a nice pair of wheels doesn't hurt.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 15, 2021

Our World of Fake News

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Our World of Fake News."
Fake news about Israel and the Jews continues to proliferate from many mainstream news sources that have sold out to the devil any credibility, they may have one had. Whether it’s the “Failing New York Times,” “Fake News CNN” or any other of the notorious media sources that are alleged to report biased, tainted news, unfortunately, it seems like a virtual non-stop barrage of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic spewing. It may be overt or more subtle, but there are organizations like Honest Reporting that are tracking and calling out the false news reporting for the lies that they are.
Whether it’s 1984 “Big Brother” telling you what to think and do or the media twisting the truth so that’s unrecognizable anymore, this is dangerous not only to the Jews as scapegoats, but to the souls, freedom and future of our world.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 14, 2021

Fun Cars To Pretend

These are great cars for the kids.

Sporty and colorful.

Fun to pretend to drive. 

Just like a big person.  

Watch the speeding please!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 13, 2021

VW Love Van

These VW Vans were the best!  

The Hippie generation knew just how to make them gorgeous. 

Peace, Love, Rock and Roll! 

And the rainbow streaks and flowers for added good cheer. 

If VW would make these already with the paint job with all this expression, I bet they would sell like hotcakes!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 12, 2021

Eye Earrings

Like these big blue eyes in the heart-shaped earrings. 

The eyes even have these cool eyelashes! 

We got the eyes (I's) and the heart (love)—where's the you?

Maybe we give the earrings to "you" and then it's I love you!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)


October 11, 2021

Two Love Birds

@Rock Creek Trail

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 10, 2021

The Mother of all Cactus Needles

Wow, those are some humongous sharp needles on this cactus!

When I checked out from the store with this deadly plant, the cashier oulls the cactus from the shopping cart and gets one of the pins stuck right in her finger. 

It was just sort of caught there with the other end hanging out a couple of inches from her finger.

A little shocked and not sure what to say, I just sort of stumbled "Oh, Are you okay? I so sorry!"

She said she was and reached over and plucked the needle out holding her hand limply in the other. 

On the way home then, this guy says to me, "you better not sit on that thing." 

Ah yeah, you're not kidding!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 9, 2021

Light at the End of The Ark

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Light At The End Of The Ark."

Why was Noah commanded to build a skylight in the ark?

Noah and all the fascinating people in the Bible weren’t just characters in a novel, but they were real people and they experienced up and downs, as we all do in life. The key to remember is that there is always a window where we can see our relative good fortune and everything we have to be grateful for, where we can keep an eye on the light at the end of tunnel (as my father used to say about bad things, “this too shall pass”), and we can look up to our Father in Heaven and remember that He will bring deliverance to us. Even in the mightiest of floods that devastated the world, G-d was still there for us, and He was, is, and always will be!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 8, 2021

He Who Saves A Life

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "He Who Saves A Life."
We all know the Jewish dictum of “He who save a life, saves the world.” In Judaism, every single life is invaluable, and hence we are even allowed to violate the holy Shabbat for the preservation of human life (“Pikuach Nefesh“). Similarly, when it came to a prisoner exchange for IDF Sargent first Class, Gilad Shalit, who had been held by Hamas terrorists for five years (2006-2011), Israel exchanged1,027 Palestinians in a prisoner exchange for Shalit. Life is truly sacred to the Jewish people.

This week, I had the opportunity to meet and hear from members of Israel Air Force’s Elite Search and Rescue, Unit 669, at Magen David Synagogue in Rockville, Maryland. There I was reminded of the brave Israeli soldiers who not only defend the holy land and people of Israel, but also who are there to search for missing soldiers and rescue them and civilians “regardless of location or conditions” when faced with war, terrorism, or other disaster. Soldiers from unit 669 go into every possible dangerous situation, and under fire, to save lives at whatever cost to themselves.

(Source Photo: Flikr)


Beautiful Bonsai Tree

Something genius about a Bonsai tree.

The way it is on one hand natural and on the other hand "sculpted" by people. 

Sort of a metaphor for life, where G-d gives us the raw material and asks us to go do good with it. 

G-d creates and people shape that creation. 

Beautiful partnership makes a beautiful Bonsai!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 7, 2021

Pineapple Umbrella Drinks

Those are some cool Pineapple Drinks!

Has pineapple slices hanging off the sides.

A big plastic straw and don't forget the umbrella on top of a grape. 

I think they said that they paid $27 for two. 

It's a bargain!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 6, 2021

Hat of Hats

Wow, that's a smart hat.

It's not one hat but 10 different hats on the rim of one.

Now that will go with every outfit! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 5, 2021

Fish of the Sea

Thought this was a beautiful painting of a school of fish. 

One pupil at the bottom must have missed a few days of school, because he's going in the wrong direction. 

Always, an odd fish out!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 4, 2021

Street Ballet

Don't see this in a parking lot every day!

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)
