Showing posts with label Anti-semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-semitism. Show all posts

May 5, 2024

America Is the Target; Israel Is the Front Line

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "America Is the Target; Israel is the Front Line."

This is not about free speech but about a takeover of America. These vile terrorist supporters are using our very Constitution against us as they falsely cry Islamophobia and free speech, all the while impeding, threatening, and committing acts of violence against students, citizens, and an orderly democracy. It is time for Americans to stop being complacent or fooled by their terrorist talking points and rhetoric of hate, racism, and Communist ideology. In the face of this evil, we are finally seeing Patriots emerge, proudly carrying and defending the American flag, singing the Star-Spangled Banner, and boldly chanting USA!

(AI generated image via Designer) 


April 30, 2024

Free Free Free...Ukraine!

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Free, Free, Free...Ukraine!"

On college campuses across America, why do we hear "free Palestine" but not "free Ukraine" when the Ukrainian issue is so much larger and more deadly?

Russia is the largest country in the world; Israel is one of the smallest.

Russia is totalitarian and aligned with troublesome countries such as China, Iran, and North Korea; Israel is a democracy and one of the closest allies of the USA.

Russia threatens all of NATO with imperialistic expansionist goals and has the potential for escalation to WW3; Israel is fighting for its very existence.

(AI generated image via Designer)


April 7, 2024

The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine."

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night disturbed by the very real nightmare about the rising anti-Semitism from dangerous Hamas supporters in our midst, this occurring less than 80 years after the end of the Holocaust, which saw the murder of six million Jews.

Day after day, week after week now, we see the vile Hamas terrorist supporters acting out in public, screaming, cursing, threatening, blocking, harassing, burning flags, pushing, prodding, and violently attacking others (i.e., Zionists and Jews). In any normal situation, the police would be there protecting the innocent, stopping the harassment, and arresting the violent agitators. But these days, what do we see? The police seem to be doing virtually nothing to stop them.

Without any serious consequences from our law enforcement, courts, or politicians, we can expect things to continue to escalate and get more dangerous.

(AI generated image from Designer)


February 18, 2024

Israel, You're on the Right Track

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel, You're on the Right Track."

The war of October 7 is truly one of light against darkness in the world. And not only against the evil terrorists but also their hateful, genocidal supporters around the globe who seek "intifada revolution," and our annihilation "by any means necessary." To defeat them, we need the ultimate faith in the Almighty and the determination to fight and win from Gaza to Iran.

Our strength is the combination of our dedication to serving Hashem and our mighty determination for our national and religious freedom in a world all too often of darkness, hate, and despair where rape is portrayed as resistance, where mutilation, murder, and hostage-taking are justified by those who reject peace and coexistence, and where their vile supporters chant their racism and hatred from city centers to cancer hospitals.

(AI generated image by Bing Copilot)

January 14, 2024

Victimhood for the Cameras

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Victimhood for the Cameras."

With the October 7 invasion, Hamas was after something much bigger and more important to them than the one-day massacre of Israelis; they wanted a massive blood libel against Israel to turn the world against them.

Just like Hamas used a barrage of missiles on the day of their attack to divert from their invasion, so too was the invasion and massacre itself a manipulative provocation, for any forceful response whatsoever automatically turns the perception of Israel into the “genocidal” aggressors.

To our great detriment, Hamas’s strategy was largely successful. They inflicted significant damage on Israel and the Jewish people not only through sheer terrorism but also through the insidious setup for Israel to be perceived as the perpetrator rather than the victim. However, now it is Israel's turn not only to destroy Hamas and rescue the hostages but also to set the record straight.

(Credit Photo: Aurel_Cham via

December 23, 2023

The Ticking Iran Time Bomb

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Ticking Iran Time Bomb."

In the end, we're dealing with a serious and determined Iranian adversary, along with their network of regional terrorist groups. Let's hope and pray that we have the strategic foresight to fully comprehend the multifaceted threat posed by Iran, both internally and externally, and that we take decisive action to implement the educational, political, and military solutions to neutralize the most dangerous global threat we face.

(Credit Photo: Safwat Sayed via

December 17, 2023

Why Wokeism Hurts More Than It Helps

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Why Wokeism Hurts More Than It Helps."

While we should continually strive to promote mutual understanding and empowerment, we must also call out the false messiah of wokeism for what it is: a hateful, corrupt, and self-righteous ideology of entitlement and dictatorship. Instead of wokeism endlessly talking about victimhood, trying to turn one against another, and taking "all you can get," we should instead take a more positive and unifying approach that includes strong individual and family values, hard work, constructive reform, and of course, faith in the One above.

(AI Generated Photo via Craiyon)


November 26, 2023

The Incredible Chutzpah of Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Incredible Chutzpah of Hamas."

Surely, the Jihadist massacre in Israel by hordes of Hamas terrorists on October 7, where they perpetrated such ungodly savage acts on 1,200 Jews that should never be done to any human being, would have shown the world the true face of evil.

But no, still, the rabid antisemites of the world gleefully tear down the posters of the women and children hostages, cursing the Jews, saying Hitler was right in wanting to exterminate us, and wishing out loud that Hamas would do what they did to us on 10/7 yet again and again.

In the face of all this, O’ Lord, we thank You for setting free the first 41 hostages in the last two days, and we eagerly await the rest to come home soon by Your miraculous hand. Please give success to the Israel Defense Forces and their U.S. allies to utterly defeat the terrorists and their Iranian sponsors, and grant us the fortitude and strength to overcome all the forces of darkness in this world and reach the ultimate redemption speedily in our times.

(Source Photo: GDJ via:


November 18, 2023

Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present."

As a very small minority in the world, Jews have forever been made the scapegoat and persecuted, whether in the Crusades, Inquisition, expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust, terrorism, or war. As far back as Amalek, the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and more, Jews have never been granted long-lasting moments of peace. Perhaps that is one of the reasons we yearned for millennia to return to our homeland of Israel and why we so look forward to the coming of Mashiach so that we can once and for all achieve not only the universal acknowledgment of and worship of the One true G-d, but also a sincere and enduring peace for our people and the world.

The fight for Jewish survival is far from over. Yes, with Israel and the brave young men and women of the IDF, we are stronger now than we ever have been. However, the hate and violence we face are unbridled and unabashed, and given the chance, we have seen what our enemies will do to us. In response, we need to raise our heads high and fight the good fight regardless of what anyone else has to say. G-d will be our judge even as the anti-Semites condemn us either way.

(AI Generated Photo via

November 12, 2023

Wrapped Up In Jewish Pride

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Wrapped Up in Jewish Pride."

While the greedy and corrupt Palestinian leadership gets rich pocketing the West's endless "humanitarian aid," they keep the Palestinian people impoverished and helpless on a system of generational aid and in the squalor of refugee camps. During the chaos and disruption of World War II, with close to a hundred million victims, displaced persons, and refugees, the entire world—including the Jewish people who had six million murdered—went on and managed to rebuild their lives and contribute something back to the world. Except for the lone Palestinians, who have stayed frozen in time and dependence. Further, as they reject peace and call for the destruction of Israel and the endless killing of innocents, they continue to breed not only their despondency but, worse, a bottomless hatred and murderous evil in their hearts and minds.

We all need to hope and pray that Israel is successful in fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad because rest assured that they are waiting not just in marches and protests in our capitals and invasions across our borders but are ready to rampage and murder "the infidels" whenever and wherever they can. In the end, if you look aside in silence and acquiescence now, no one will end up safe in a radial Islamic world that puts its faith in and inculcates ongoing hate, intifada, and Jihad.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 3, 2023

Bring Home the Hostages from Evil Hamas/ISIS

(Photo via Facebook)


October 29, 2023

Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas."

As always, Israel is facing long odds, attacked not only by Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and terrorists in the West Bank but also potentially by the combined arms of hostile Arab nations such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and, of course, the arch-terrorist Iran, which is seeking nuclear weapons and threatening to destroy Israel. Despite all of this, and while we are still only at the beginning of this latest battle with evil, it is clear that once Israel overcame the initial shock and horror of the Hamas attack, the response from Israel has been nothing short of brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed.

Without a doubt, this will be a long and difficult war, and it is far from won. There are so many families grieving for those who have been lost, and hopefully, there will be no more. Moreover, the hostages are suffering and must be brought quickly home. No matter how precise our planning and how good our execution are, ultimately, we must pray to Hashem to help us overcome our enemies and suffering, grant us a complete victory, and speedily bring us peace.
(Credit Photo: Anastasia Petrova via


October 22, 2023

Prelude to World War III

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Prelude to World War III."

We have never come closer to World War 3. Amidst the most evil and brutal bloodbath by Hamas of 1,400 Israelis and another 200+ taken hostage into Gaza, Israel is entering its biggest and most difficult war since the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Further, northern Israel is ready to explode, with Hezbollah terrorists ready to infiltrate and 150,000 rockets poised to fly into Israel's population centers and critical infrastructure.

As the terrorists, anarchists, and some on the alt-left march and overturn our cities to outbursts of "Allah Akbar," "Intifada," and "Jihad" amidst the burning of and spitting on Israeli and U.S. flags, the biased media, looking for their next splash headline, thrills to falsely blame Israel for the Gaza hospital bombing. Similarly, despite the Palestinians' repeated refusal to accept generous offers of peace, the media continues to report on Israel's "occupation" and "apartheid," including in Gaza, where Israel unilaterally withdrew more than 18 years ago and in return has suffered relentless Hamas missile barrages, attack tunnels, abductions, and sadistic killings.

The world is on the moral and murderous brink, and there are weapons of mass destruction to make it happen deadly fast. One spark can ignite the whole colossal, flammable mess, and with it, the doomsday we all fear but suspect could be coming soon. Let us hope and pray that this is the prelude not to World War III, but rather to the coming of Mashiach.

(Credit Photo: Geralt via


July 2, 2023

When Politics Gets Personal

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "When Politics Gets Personal."

Not unlike the deep political divide in Israel over Judicial Reform, this week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down college affirmative action following their prior ruling overturning Roe v. Wade has once again brought to the forefront the huge political divide in this country. Further, the polarization and bitterness between the right and left from the 2020 election are still simmering as we approach the next presidential election in 2024. Underneath all the day-to-day niceties, there seems to be a latent powder keg in our electorate, especially if the next election is a repeat between Trump and Biden.

In this context, I must admit that I had a run-in with someone this week who sits on the other side of the political spectrum from me. And maybe, as they say, it's best not to talk too much about religion or politics, just for the reasons I am about to convey.

(Credit Photo: John Hain via


January 8, 2023

Pop Culture Just Doesn't "Get" Us

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Pop Culture Just Doesn't 'Get' Us."

Of course, when Jews are hypocrites, act holier than thou, or do bad things, they give the rest of us a bad name, and this can breed not only confusion about Jews but also, in the extreme, hate and anti-Semitism. One Chabad Rabbi said today that the Rebbe hardly ever used the word anti-Semitism or spoke of it; instead, he focused on the idea that Jews should do good and perform acts of G-dliness and righteousness in the world.

I believe we can all agree that Jews behave differently; sometimes they do good, sometimes they don't, but regardless, we're a little bit of a mystery to many non-Jews, which is sometimes shrouded in a large dose of fiction and conspiracy. For many, I put it this way: they still can't understand why the fiddler was ever playing on the roof to begin with.

(Credit Photo: ericbarns via

December 25, 2022

How One “Peacenik” Became Practical

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How One 'Peacenik' Became Practical.'"

Simplistically, you can say that the Right is right! After almost 2,000 years of Jewish diaspora, pogroms, persecution, and the Holocaust, Jews can no longer, in good conscience, tolerate any existential threats. While Jews initially accepted the UN partition for a two-state solution, Arabs vehemently rejected it and went to war against the then-fledgling State of Israel. Moreover, despite the Arab loss, they continued to mount martial campaigns, intifadas, terrorism, and war against Israel, only to be repeatedly defeated. Each and every chance that Israel gave the Palestinians for mediation, negotiation, compromise, and peace was rejected and met with more cries of Jihad!

In short, the Left is right when it comes to caring about others and the ultimate goal that we all seek, which is genuine and lasting peace and the ability to live side by side as brothers and sisters in peace and prosperity. However, the Left got it all wrong when it comes to the reality on the ground in terms of the radical Islamic groups who want no peace, no negotiation, and no recognition of Israel, period. This is where the hope of the Left met the reality of the Right, and the Left lost all credibility, at least for the time being. Perhaps, just perhaps, reality will change and radical hearts will soften and give peace a fighting chance, allowing the Left to be right as well.

(Source Photo: IDF Editorial Team;

December 3, 2022

Hanukkah Is About Fortifying the Family

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hanukkah is about Fortifying the Family."
Modern Hellenism is when Judaism becomes less and less Jewish and more and more like another “value system” that is “politically correct” or “in style.”

To be clear, not every Jew is going to be “religious” in the same way, but still, each of us can contribute to the welfare of the whole. The point of Hanukkah is that Torah-true Judaism exists, even if we as individuals struggle to fulfill it. The task at hand is for each family and each of us to model proper behavior (thought, word, and deed) and to educate our children in the same so that the Greeks of our time do not win.

(Credit Photo: The National Guard via

November 16, 2022

From Outrage to Action on Anti-Semitism

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "From Outrage to Action on Anti-Semitism."

What is striking to me is that when it comes to hate against the Jews as opposed to hate against other groups, we continually see that “their” rights are immediately supported, while we have to prove that it’s really hate.
Hopefully, our community leaders, police, FBI, and Homeland Security are paying close attention and will take appropriate preventive action so that we can avoid another incident like the shooting just four years ago at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. We need more intelligence, surveillance, officers, patrols, data-driven policing, self-defense and emergency medical training, synagogue protection, community outreach, beefed-up reporting systems, and tougher penalties to start with. We can’t expect the people who hate to stop, but we do need to keep raising the bar on how to keep our communities safe and stop hate crimes.

(Credit Photo: Laura Rosenberg Hosid)


October 30, 2022

The U.N.’s Double Standard On Nukes

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The U.N.'s Double Standard on Nukes."

As war rages or threatens in hotspots around the world, and the nations responsible are actively pursuing, building, testing, and threatening others with nuclear weapons, it appears that the United Nations is deliberately ignoring the real dangers here.

If only the United Nations would live up to its charter! Then we might truly have a world of tolerance and international peace and security.

Is the United Nations really about bringing the nations of the world together?

Or is it about casting the Jews to the wolves?

(Source Photo:

October 29, 2022


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Death Con NEVER AGAIN."

KanyeWest - I hope that you visit Auschwitz and think deeply about the hurtful, hateful anti-Semitic words that you said. Hopefully, you can change your rhetoric to feelings and words of love and brotherhood.

(Credit Photo: Adapted by Andy Blumenthal from public domain photo;

