Showing posts with label Simchat Torah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simchat Torah. Show all posts

January 7, 2024

My Supernova

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "My Supernova."

Years ago, there was a time when I rebelled against religion, Judaism, and G-d. It was my version of running to the Supernova Music Festival, where I could dance and party to the music under the desert sky. I was young, and probably like many others, went through a stage when I wanted to express my freedom and independence.

On October 7, of the almost 1,200 people massacred that day, 364 were at the music festival. No one can say why anyone lost their lives, were brutally tortured and raped, or were abducted by these radical Islamic terrorists that day—it was pure evil—but like me missing Rosh Hashanah years ago, people at Supernova were also misplaced from the holy Shabbat services and the singing and dancing with the Torahs for the holiday. This is a kind of Jewish tragedy.

(AI Generated Image via Craiyon)


October 2, 2021

True Meaning of Torah Observant

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "True Meaning of Torah Observant."

The key is that everyone (Jew and Gentile) has an opportunity to do good or the opposite. We are all G-d’s children, and He loves all of us, and wants us all to learn and grow as human beings with the spirit of G-d breathed into us (Genesis 2:7). The Jews have a special mission to try and live by following the commandments in the Torah, as a good example to others. This is similar to the Kohanim and Leviim who had a special role within the Jewish people as the Temple priests and as the musicians and singers that accompanied them. No one is inherently better than anyone else. We all just have our roles, and we a need to do them the best we can or learn to be better as we go along. Like we start the cycle of reading the Torah again with every Simchat Torah, so too the New Year is an opportunity to “up our game” and another chance to raise the “standard of living” according to G-d’s will.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 9, 2020

Sunflowers For Shabbat Shalom

Love these beautiful sunflowers. 

Perfect for enhancing the Shabbat and holidays!

The sunflowers provide warmth and happiness for the honor of these special and spiritual days!

May Hashem in His abundant mercy grant us a full healing and peace to welcome the Shabbat and to celebrate this weekend a joyous Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 30, 2018

Preparing Simchat Torah Dinner

It was great going to Magen David Synagogue today to help prepare for the big Simchat Torah Dinner tomorrow night. 

First, we started with great ingredients.

Then all the prep.

The cleaning, slicing, dicing, mixing, laying it all out, and braising.

Then the cooking--stovetop, and oven.

And before you know, it comes out all done and ready for the scrumptious shul dinner to honor the Torahs.

I want to thank all the women and men that helped out today and many other times to prepare.

But especially, I want to call out Naomi Elimelech who coordinates everything and is the brains behind all the delicious and healthy food. 

She and her husband, Itzik, who is also the President of the synagogue, are truly wonderful, caring, and giving people and a role model for all of us--and it's not just the cooking!

B'tayavon everyone and Chag Sameach!  ;-)

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)

October 6, 2015

Kiss Me Where

OMG, so I had a major mess up last night. 

I go to a Sephardic synagogue and they have a custom of not just shaking hands, but kissing (not really) each other by sort of tapping each other first one cheek to cheek and then the other side. 

So this lady friend comes into shule (with her fiancee who walks away for a moment) while the dancing is going on with the Torah for the holiday, and she makes the signal moves for the cheek to cheek greeting to me.

But this whole custom is still sort of unfamiliar to me, and I mess it up big time!

I must've turned my head to the left when I should've turned right or something, and rather than end up cheek to cheek, I end up in this very awkward lip on lip kiss with her.

(Oh shit, that didn't just happen, did it?)

We both sort of jump backwards, and my wife is standing there in disbelief cracking up at the whole thing. 

This lady quickly turns away, and I quickly turn the other way, and I am just looking up at the ceiling thinking what did I just do. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)