May 27, 2021

Nice Peacock Vase

Nice vase. 

Reminds me of a peacocks feathers. 

Not sure who would pay $60,000 for this though.

Does it lay eggs?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 26, 2021

Huge Sushi Platter

Wow, huge and varied sushi platter. 

Something on there for everyone. 

Almost looks too nice to eat.  

Food form and content.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 25, 2021

Tefillin and Talit Bag

This is my new Tefillin and Talit bag for daily morning prayers. 

It even has a beautiful siddur (prayer book) inside and my Hebrew name on the outside. 

I just wanted to thank my wonderful family for this and especially, my son-in-law, Itzchak for ordering this for me from Israel. 

I love it, and thank you guys so much! 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 24, 2021

Street Art Florida

Thought this was some nice street art in Fort Lauderdale. 

The water and boating, the high-rise condos and hotels, and the beautiful blue skyline. 

The good Caribbean with sun, sand, and water.

Looks and feels so good!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 


May 23, 2021

The Stranger and The Enemy

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Stranger and The Enemy."
In summary, with regards to Israel, we must follow two important commandments that guide our relationships with the outside world. First, there is the imperative to love our neighbor and the stranger. Second is the dictum to wholly defend ourselves from our enemies who seek our destruction. While on the surface these may pose a contradiction, in reality, they do not, because if our neighbors and the strangers among us are willing to live in genuine peace with us then we gladly and actively will extend the olive branch in peace and brotherhood. But if unfortunately, our neighbors are bent on our genocide then we must fight them.
Love and peace is always what we want from the bottom of our hearts, but war is a necessity that is sometimes thrust upon us by our enemies and that we must absolutely, with G-d’s help, win.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 21, 2021

Nice Sitting Area

Thought this was a pretty nice lobby sitting area.

Especially liked the wall hanging combining both painting and light display. 

On the opposite side of the room was a glass wall/windows, and the light of the boy and girl holding hands reflected in there as well.

Had a nice relaxing and high-tech type effect on the room. 

Just glad the light display didn't move; I think that would be too much and actually sickening.

Anyway, off into the sunset. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 


May 19, 2021

The Contrarians


It's funny, you have this beautiful ocean and waves coming in, but some people turn their backs on it and face the other way.

I get that they are wanting to get a tan, but to me their still missing it!

There are always those that will go against the norm.

That's the Bell-Shaped Curve for you in action.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 18, 2021

The Mind's Eye

The mind's eye can see what the real eye's don't.

Perhaps, we see something (or not) and then rationalize it away or use any other of the cognitive biases to not pay attention or distort the facts and the truth.

Not sure why this 3rd eye is off-center and also looks upside down (with the eyelashes on the bottom).

The age old question is whether it would it be better to have the extra eye in the back of your head?

360-degree vision, way cool!

Now if we can add some high-tech sensors to augment our eyes then we could also routinely see at night, in fog, etc.

It isn't true that what you don't see can't hurt you. 

Eyes wide open, and pay very good attention!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 17, 2021

How Hashem Was Found

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "How Hashem Was Found."
This disabled man was then charged with DUI and spent the next 8 1/2 years in prison. But the Rabbi of the prison helped him to find G-d in all this suffering and slowly he returned to his Jewish roots. Now, for the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, commemorating the giving of the Torah to all the Jewish people, he was in synagogue, holding his prayer book and receiving the Ten Commandments with the rest of the congregants.

If this man who's body was crushed, leg lost, and who spent so many years in prison could find the good and his way back to Hashem, then there is hope for all of us who can learn, grow, and turn our lives around as well. G-d is there in the darkness and in the light, and we have to find Him and believe.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


Fun and Good Exercise

Man, does that look fun!

Also, I understand you can get some pretty good exercise paddleboarding.

My only concern would be sharks.

Don't bright colors and strong motion attract them?  

You've got to be brave, but not stupid. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 16, 2021

Fight Terrorism / Support Israel

(Credit Photo: Andy and Dannielle Blumenthal)

Fort Lauderdale @Night

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 15, 2021

Israel's Last Stand

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Last Stand."
It is the mere fact of our Jewish existence that irks our Anti-Semitic, terrorist enemies. This is why the world does not care, and may actually even cheer while Palestinian terror rockets fly overhead, hundreds at a time, into major population centers in Israel. From 5-year old, Ido Avigal, killed by shrapnel in Sderot to an 87-year old woman killed near Ashdod while running from rocket fire, nowhere seems safe, including in cars, homes, walking down the street, and even "safe rooms."
Like it or not, every rocket, every suicide bomber, every attacker will be met and defeated—from north to south and east to west—because the Jewish people will not be driven out; this is our last stand and we will survive.

(Source Photo: Pixabay)

May 14, 2021

Broken Uber and Stupid Airport


So we are going to the airport early this morning and everything seemed to go wrong.

Because we needed an Uber early, we used the app to reserve one in advance.

I get an email that Uber charged us and the app says the driver is on the way.

However, it doesn't identify any driver or car. 

It turns out that Uber never reserved any driver and no one was coming to get us and we had a flight to catch.

So much for reservations that go unreserved!

So we cancel the darn Uber and instead try to get a Lyft, but after many minutes trying in vain to locate a driver, we gave up on this as well,

Thank goodness, I could still call a regular cab!

The taxi company says he'll be there in 10-20 minutes. 

Over 35 minutes later and 3 phones calls and he still hasn't arrived and it's getting late for the flight.

Finally, finally, he shows up and says they called up and he came from bed to pick us up. 

Wow, that's pretty amazing--I was impressed and grateful.

He get us to the airport and we run in and through security.

We head to gate 30 for our flight and the picture shows you what we came up against.

Gate 29 and gate 31 in the corner of the airport, but no freakin gate 30 anywhere in sight!

After a swing around the other corners, we finally found it.

Why gate 30 isn't after 29 and before 31, I will never understand!

Moreover, why Uber takes reservations in advance for a car, but doesn't actually arrange a driver is also a complete mystery and a very broken business model.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)


May 13, 2021

Support Israel and the IDF!

 (Photo via Facebook)


May 12, 2021

For Mothers Day

I meant to post this on the past Sunday for Mother's Day.

Love you Mom always and miss you so much! 

Send my love to Dad also in Heaven. 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 10, 2021

Hangers: Who Knew

Who knew that hangers come in round (and not only triangle shape)?

You really do learn something new every day!

I guess one size really doesn't fit all.

Sh*t, I hope my clothes don't fall off these hangers.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 8, 2021

Shabbat: Time Vs. Space

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Shabbat: Time Vs. Space."

When we choose to keep the Sabbath, we mark a day of the week in time, where we reject all the worldly pursuits of space and materialism in lieu of recognizing that there is a higher power, G-d Almighty, and that as Ahmari says 'everything else is ephemeral and passes away with time.'

What we do to make things holy in time rules over what we do purely physically in space, that nothing but G-d is timeless, and everything material reverts back to its origins and is gone from time as if it never even was. In the end, we need to live our lives with the forethought that the spirit goes to the everlasting afterlife, but the body goes to the physical grave.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 7, 2021

Meow, Shabbat Shalom!

 (Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 6, 2021

A Sign To Tell Us This

Wow, these days we need a sign to tell us this:

I am a man.

And I would imagine there is a corollary one to announce if you're a woman.

If people can't tell the difference anymore is that a good or bad thing?

Maybe it's good from an equality and respect standpoint, but also bad in terms some people being confused by it.

Reminds me of Crocodile Dundee when he had to do a hand check to figure things out.

Umm, that's not gonna work in real life!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 5, 2021

From Point A To Point A+

I loved this lesson in endurance from Naji Ali in the Wall Street Journal today. 

Take it stroke by stroke.

Don't worry about getting all the way from point A to Z. 

Instead just focus on getting from point A to point A+.

Just take the first stroke and then another and another. 

Like one foot in front of the other. 

See how far you've come!

You're on the way to point Z but you don't have to drink the ocean in one gulp to get there. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 4, 2021

Door To Fantasyland

Wow, check out this door. 

It looks like out of some kid's book where the character disappears into some complete fantasyland. 

Maybe this could be the entrance for the movie, Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (although it doesn't look very chocolatey). 

And if you're high as a kite, this will fit right into your psychedelic visions for yourself. 

Wherever this door takes you, it's gotta be good (if not a little nauseous too). 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 3, 2021

The Centerpiece

Nice store display. 

The centerpiece carries the weight here. 

Beautiful colors and design. 

Draws the shoppers into the store to buy, buy, buy. 

She rises above the others and stands out among the crowd.

Even if she's just a mannequin, she's doing a great job!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 


May 2, 2021

The Worst Leadership


Way too many "leaders" like this: 

I must see where my people are going, so that I can lead them.

These are leaders that are much more followers than any sort of leaders.

Or worse yet are leaders that lead people in the wrong (bad) direction.

In fact, these leaders "sin," but also they cause others to sin as well. 

They are bad apples and serve as bad examples to others too! 

A good leader is a shining example and mentor and these people are gems to find! 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 1, 2021

Bubble Bath Bar

Check out this cool Bubble (Bath) Bar in the mall. 

It's called "the Comforter."

You break off a piece of what look like a gorgeous pink and white (like bubble gum) Cinnabon roll and throw it in the bath to get a nice aroma and bubbles. 

Again, it looks more like a bakery item than a bath one. 

But maybe it's the combination that makes it irresistible--although please do not eat it!   

Soap is soap, but this is something else entirely (maybe!).  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 30, 2021

Mount Meron and Hating The "Baseless"

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Mount Meron and Hating The 'Baseless.'"

We are all reeling from the devastating deaths of 45 Jews on Lag B'Omer at Mount Meron (and many others critically injured) from a stampede during the bonfire celebration near the grave of the holy Kabbalist, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Last night, we were glued to the new as the body count kept going up. I couldn't help thinking to myself that this is something that happens in the masses of people that gather in India or Saudi Arabia, not in the tiny State of Israel. But lo' and behold, tragedy can strike anywhere, anytime. Life is completely tenuous!
So can we draw conclusions that in those days there was baseless hate and so too in our times. I think, while we don't know G-d's ways, certainly from experience and observation, we do know that there is not only baseless hate, but also plenty of "hate the baseless".  And what I mean by that is that one type of Jew thinks they are better than another whose beliefs, faith, and observance we denigrate and deem baseless, without support and they without real merit...We are forever driven towards a "Better than thou" attitude and lifestyle. To the religious catcalls of "get out of our neighborhood slut" or the throwing of Shabbat rocks at passing cars. This all has got to stop!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 29, 2021

Fight With Umbrella

Looks like a fight with the umbrella.

And the umbrella lost!  

It's down for the count.

But the opponent is waiting to see if the umbrella rises again to continue and fight. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 28, 2021

The Feeling of Shaming

What's it like to feel shame?

In this life, it's having your head ripped around your body.

Then in the next life, it's got to be a soul bared and stretched across the heavens and for all eternity.  

Punishment is revelation and the mark it undoubtedly leaves behind. 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 27, 2021

Motif For The U.S. Economy

This seems like it could be a major theme of the U.S. economy. 

"Buy Now, Pay Later!"

And then...


You can't borrow infinitely.

It eventually has to be repaid. 

Where will the money come from?  

Print more.

Worth less!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 25, 2021

Justice for Sarah Halimi

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Justice for Sarah Halimi."

The case of the Sarah Halimi is yet another example of the anti-Semitism taking deep root in France, where rather than ensuring Justice for her barbaric murder, a second French court has now absurdly affirmed a lower-court ruling that the alleged perpetrator Traore cannot be held criminally responsible simply because he was on marijuana! Incredibly, these French justices ruled in this completely nonsensical way even as cannabis is being ruled legal for medicinal and even recreational purposes in more and more countries around the world.
It is inconceivable that a modern, western nation as France (part of the EU, NATO, the UN, etc.) would allow violent, racist, hate-mongers, and murders completely off the hook simply because they were high on some cannabis or for any other lame excuse like that. This is not rational. It is not human or civilized. And it is certainly not justice. Jewish blood is not cheap and Kolibi Traore cannot be allowed to go free. France needs to make this right because Sarah Halimi, a citizen of France, was butchered there because she was a Jew, and letting radical Islamists commit violence and terror like this is a danger not just to the French, but to everybody.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


Inside The Golden Egg

Inside the golden egg...

Is a carousel or merry-go-round. 

Horses going up and down as the happy music plays. 

Take a whirl of a ride and watch the world go by. 

Wave to the all people. 

There is mom and dad smiling and proud. 

Who knew that's what was in the egg?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 24, 2021

Alcohol Coaster Set

Cool alcoholic coaster set. 

Different colors for different booze. 

Wine is fine, but liquor is quicker!  

What's your poison?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 22, 2021

Here Fishy Fishy

Photo of fish in tank at restaurant. 

Almost looks like the fish is floating through the air. 

Is he next on someone's plate?

Don't worry Ms. Fish, all will be tasty and well!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 21, 2021

Flower In Context

Pretty awesome painting of a flower, grass, sky!

(Credit Photo of painting: Andy Blumenthal)


April 20, 2021

Demeaning Candlestick Holders

It figures that an extremely rich person would have candlestick holders like this. 

They think it's ok to have your "personal servants" bring you and hold your lights. 

Even as they are in spiritual darkness enslaving their fellow human beings. 

No, their not helping people by giving them a (shitty) job even as they routinely mistreat them. 

Where are people's (screwed up) brains?

The wealthy often actually believe they are entitled to their grossly extravagant lifestyles. 

Wait they they come back in the next life and they'll see what they are entitled to! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 19, 2021

How Many Is Too Many?

Interesting sign:

Take Risks Make Mistakes.

And the "i" is missing in Mistakes!

I didn't even take the risks, but I still made the mistakes.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 18, 2021

Do Three Eyes Help Us See Better?

Eyes right, left, and straight ahead. 

What if we had eyes in the back of our heads?

Now, you don't have to look over your shoulder. 

360-degree vision is that better 20/20 hindsight!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 17, 2021

Israel Is Tops

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Israel Is Tops."

In just 73 years, with G-d’s miraculous help, we have a Jewish State that is top-ranked in the entire world: Israel is ranked overall #30 in Best Countries in the World.

In our 4,000 year history as a people, we suffered long and painful exile at the hands of the Babylonian and Roman Empire, but then in 1948, we were given another miraculous chance for the Jewish State of Israel. So far, we are doing great by all measures; now we have to make sure to keep it up for good.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 16, 2021

Life Is A Big Blue Circle

Life's a big beautiful blue circle.

Blue world.

Blue oceans.

Blue skies.

I'm feeling so blue! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 15, 2021

Wow Fast Cars

Nice red hot convertible Ferrari! 

Man is this slick or what?

I wouldn't leave a car like this parked on the street or with the top open. 

But boy would I enjoy driving this along the palm trees, white sand, and blue ocean beach. 

This is living in style!  :-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 14, 2021

Rubber Ducky You're The One

What a variety of Rubber Ducks. 

They were giving these away in the doctor's office. 

Not quick sure why???

The guy gave me a half a dozen, and each duck is different. 

Fun in the bath for the grandchild.  

They float and make quack-quack. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 13, 2021

Comfy Legs

Those legs look comfy in the chair. 

Cross, uncross, cross. 

Of course, the dress pants and shoes aren't so comfortable. 

Do clothes really make the wo/man?

Here, there's no real clothes or should I say person to speak of. 

Clothes is better than a fig leaf for Adam and Eve.

Much of clothing is just "look your best" and try to "feel good" vanity.

The soul is what really makes the person.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 11, 2021

Never A Doubt: Not An Inch

 Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Never A Doubt: Not An Inch."

In an effort to make peace with the Palestinians, some perhaps well-meaning politicians have attempted to negotiate to give away parts of the holy land of Israel, and this is a big mistake. In contrast to these politicians and some diehard “peaceniks” (i.e. who believe in peace at almost any cost), there are many people in Israel, from Zionists and nationalists to settlers, messianists, and the religious who maintain a deep underlying faith that the land of Israel, in its entirety, belongs to the Jewish people. Moreover, they trust that our current and miraculous possession of Israel, after 2,000 years of exile, is anchored in our transition from helpless, stateless, and victimized Jews to instead those of self-reliance, bold action, and faith in the Almighty that we are living in the times of redemption and Mashiach.

It’s not easy to stand firm in the face of delegitimization, boycotts, terrorism, and even war. For Jews, it’s a matter of faith over fear. If we have faith that G-d has brought us back to Israel and that he will not forsake us, then we will neither fear the absurdly biased resolutions of the crooked United Nations or the nations and their terror proxies roundabout that have sought our destruction. In the end, G-d decides, and not man, the fate of Israel and its people, and let it be for blessings only.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 9, 2021

Shabbat Shalom From Dancer

 (Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 8, 2021

Hollow Eyes

Wow, scary dude!

Hollow eyes and nose. 

No ears.

Mouth sewn (beaded) shut. 

Straight from the "other side" (and wrong side of things). 

Wouldn't want to run into this person anywhere, anytime. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 7, 2021

Her Name Is Coco

Her name is Coco. 

And her standup hair says it (sideways).  

The blue stars over her eye lashes are pretty cool too. 

When she opens her eyes, she comes to life. 

Do you want to meet her?

A robot, mannequin, virtual reality or perhaps the future of humanity. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 6, 2021

Gorilla Glass For Smartphones

Loved this packaging with the gorilla!

Intuitively, it's for tempered Gorilla glass for protecting your smartphone screen.

If your smartphone can survive this gorilla (King Kong), then it will work just fine almost no matter what.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 5, 2021

The Bombs Will Fall On Iran’s Nukes

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, The Bombs Will Fall on Iran's Nukes

Since Iran has rejected any new negotiations or participants to the Iran nuclear deal, we must assume that the flaws of JCPOA will not be resolved and that Iran’s existential threats remains unabated. Further, Iranian elections this coming June 2021 are forecasted to bring more dangerous Iranian hardliners to power. Therefore, regardless of whether the US reenters the deal with Iran now, it will only mean a short term stopgap for restrictions placed on the Iran’s dangerous program for weapons of mass destruction. The end game for the Ayatollahs has not changed in gaining nuclear destructive capability and threatening Israel, the Sunni Muslim states, and the western world with this.
While reentering the Iran nuclear agreement buys the world some time, and not that much frankly, the US, Israel, and other key allies will need to continue planning in earnest for what comes after the failings of the JCPOA deal, and that will most assuredly bring us back to the massive and devastating bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities with the Mother of All Bombs (MOABS) and other highly advanced weapon systems fitted for this.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal of Jane's Combat Simulation for Israel Air Force Video Game)


April 3, 2021

He Ain't Heavy

Reminds me of the song:

"He ain't heavy, he's my brother!"

For some reason, I remember the children back in the day (I grew up at the height of the feminist movement) saying instead: "She's my brother."

I used to think what the heck did that mean?

20/20 hindsight, but I guess a spoof on gender roles already many moons ago. 

Now I hear identity as he, she, ze/zir.

Either way, the person ain't heavy.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 2, 2021

Climbing Up, Falling Down

Thought this was insightful.
All paths up are different.

All paths down are the same. 

Climbing up is challenges and we all have to find our determination, strength, and skill to make it up rung after rung on the ladder of life.

Falling down is when the sh*t hits the fan and the walls come crumbling down and we freefall into the abyss.

The key as we usually learn early in life when we take our first falls is to quickly get back up (on the horse). 

Life is never just smooth sailing.

It's not meant to be. 

You wouldn't learn or grow if it was. 

Be prepared for the occasional fall from grace, and get your tushy back in the saddle and ride again.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
