Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts

November 18, 2023

Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present."

As a very small minority in the world, Jews have forever been made the scapegoat and persecuted, whether in the Crusades, Inquisition, expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust, terrorism, or war. As far back as Amalek, the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and more, Jews have never been granted long-lasting moments of peace. Perhaps that is one of the reasons we yearned for millennia to return to our homeland of Israel and why we so look forward to the coming of Mashiach so that we can once and for all achieve not only the universal acknowledgment of and worship of the One true G-d, but also a sincere and enduring peace for our people and the world.

The fight for Jewish survival is far from over. Yes, with Israel and the brave young men and women of the IDF, we are stronger now than we ever have been. However, the hate and violence we face are unbridled and unabashed, and given the chance, we have seen what our enemies will do to us. In response, we need to raise our heads high and fight the good fight regardless of what anyone else has to say. G-d will be our judge even as the anti-Semites condemn us either way.

(AI Generated Photo via

November 12, 2023

Wrapped Up In Jewish Pride

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Wrapped Up in Jewish Pride."

While the greedy and corrupt Palestinian leadership gets rich pocketing the West's endless "humanitarian aid," they keep the Palestinian people impoverished and helpless on a system of generational aid and in the squalor of refugee camps. During the chaos and disruption of World War II, with close to a hundred million victims, displaced persons, and refugees, the entire world—including the Jewish people who had six million murdered—went on and managed to rebuild their lives and contribute something back to the world. Except for the lone Palestinians, who have stayed frozen in time and dependence. Further, as they reject peace and call for the destruction of Israel and the endless killing of innocents, they continue to breed not only their despondency but, worse, a bottomless hatred and murderous evil in their hearts and minds.

We all need to hope and pray that Israel is successful in fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad because rest assured that they are waiting not just in marches and protests in our capitals and invasions across our borders but are ready to rampage and murder "the infidels" whenever and wherever they can. In the end, if you look aside in silence and acquiescence now, no one will end up safe in a radial Islamic world that puts its faith in and inculcates ongoing hate, intifada, and Jihad.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 4, 2023

Smoke Them Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Smoke Them Out."

The Gaza tunnels are one of the greatest obstacles to the IDF in destroying Hamas and rescuing the hostages. Given that Hamas will never voluntarily release "the ace" they are holding with the hostages, Israel has the unenviable task of not only "smoking out" and dealing with the terrorists but also simultaneously rescuing the hostages. This seems like a near "mission impossible," but with the right "smoke" and the ingenuity and bravery of the IDF, along with G-d's guiding hand, there is still hope.

(Credit Photo: Zachary DeBottis via

November 3, 2023

Bring Home the Hostages from Evil Hamas/ISIS

(Photo via Facebook)


October 29, 2023

Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas."

As always, Israel is facing long odds, attacked not only by Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and terrorists in the West Bank but also potentially by the combined arms of hostile Arab nations such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and, of course, the arch-terrorist Iran, which is seeking nuclear weapons and threatening to destroy Israel. Despite all of this, and while we are still only at the beginning of this latest battle with evil, it is clear that once Israel overcame the initial shock and horror of the Hamas attack, the response from Israel has been nothing short of brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed.

Without a doubt, this will be a long and difficult war, and it is far from won. There are so many families grieving for those who have been lost, and hopefully, there will be no more. Moreover, the hostages are suffering and must be brought quickly home. No matter how precise our planning and how good our execution are, ultimately, we must pray to Hashem to help us overcome our enemies and suffering, grant us a complete victory, and speedily bring us peace.
(Credit Photo: Anastasia Petrova via


October 14, 2023

Muslim and Jew Against Evil

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Muslim and Jew Against Evil."

This isn't anything about Palestinian vs. Israeli or Muslim vs. Christian and Jew. It is everything about evil vs. good. Hate and terror are diseases, and we need to eradicate their ideology, structures, and sponsors. The only reason they exist is that "someone" is benefiting from them! Unfortunately, the people are brainwashed with hate and threatened if they don't go along with it by those who live off it. To them, dead Palestinians are martyrs whose photos can go on CNN and MSNBC.

While all people may be created equal, some end up good and some have gone awfully bad, and we need to differentiate between the two. And yes, there are plenty of "grays in between." In the end, we need to embrace those who are faithful, decent human beings (even with flaws and all), and we must soulfully band together to root out and confront the entire system of evil, where and for what it truly is, and before it's too late.

(Stock Photo: Ali Wannous

October 8, 2023

Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It."

We can no longer go back to business as usual! The usual must be upended, and Gaza must be militarily conquered, period. All the Israeli hostages need to be found and brought home, even if it means excruciating house-to-house searches and street-by-street battles; it is better to fight it out once and for all in Gaza than endlessly in the cities of Israel. Finally, Gaza's military and terrorist apparatus must be completely eradicated. The strip must be divided, secured, and demilitarized permanently.

This attack by Hamas is just a small prelude to what is to come with Iran and its terrorist proxies. If we don't want to see mushroom clouds rising over the Middle East and Europe, Israel and the United States must once and for all deal definitively with Iran's nuclear and terrorist capability—no more ifs, ands, or buts.

None of us wants to see any more bloodshed pouring forth on Israeli streets and fields, children abducted, women brutally raped, men held captive and tortured, and the Holy Land scorched by missiles and flames. There should never any more be the illusion of "land for peace" or of a two-state solution when what they want is to drive the Jews into the sea! Astute political engagement has its place in dealmaking and genuine peace-making, but now is the time for skilled military strategy, engagement, and the resounding defeat of our enemies.

(Source Photo: Hananya Naftali via Telegram:


December 25, 2022

How One “Peacenik” Became Practical

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How One 'Peacenik' Became Practical.'"

Simplistically, you can say that the Right is right! After almost 2,000 years of Jewish diaspora, pogroms, persecution, and the Holocaust, Jews can no longer, in good conscience, tolerate any existential threats. While Jews initially accepted the UN partition for a two-state solution, Arabs vehemently rejected it and went to war against the then-fledgling State of Israel. Moreover, despite the Arab loss, they continued to mount martial campaigns, intifadas, terrorism, and war against Israel, only to be repeatedly defeated. Each and every chance that Israel gave the Palestinians for mediation, negotiation, compromise, and peace was rejected and met with more cries of Jihad!

In short, the Left is right when it comes to caring about others and the ultimate goal that we all seek, which is genuine and lasting peace and the ability to live side by side as brothers and sisters in peace and prosperity. However, the Left got it all wrong when it comes to the reality on the ground in terms of the radical Islamic groups who want no peace, no negotiation, and no recognition of Israel, period. This is where the hope of the Left met the reality of the Right, and the Left lost all credibility, at least for the time being. Perhaps, just perhaps, reality will change and radical hearts will soften and give peace a fighting chance, allowing the Left to be right as well.

(Source Photo: IDF Editorial Team;

October 22, 2022

The Iranian Malachi Crunch

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Iranian Malachi Crunch."

Aside from the threat of the Iranian nukes themselves, Israel has to contend with the two Iranian terrorist proxy groups, Hamas and Hezbollah, that have set Israel up for the dreaded and violent crunch. Israel needs to avoid being positioned in the middle of the attack that is sure to come. Instead, Israel will have to take out the enemy with strategic pinpoint attacks that disable not their derby cars, but rather their terror rockets and missiles. When the evil Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah are all dealt a staggering blow of epic proportions, then there will be happy days for Israel and the rest of the world, and please G-d, true peace and the arrival of Mashiach.

(Source Photo:

April 9, 2022

Terror In Israel: Time To Take Out The Trash


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Terror in Israel: Time To Take Out The Trash."

Passover, which is the holiday of liberation and freedom, is also when we must acknowledge that hate and terror is inconsistent with faith and holiness. The terrorists impinge on our freedom to live as a free people in our own land. On Passover, we must renew ourselves with the strength, determination, and perseverance to rid ourselves of the chametz, not only as represented by food but metaphysically by those filled with haughtiness, intolerance, hate, and violence towards us.

(Source Photo: Zoriah;

July 20, 2021

Ben and Jerry's: Racism and Terror

New flavors to go along with Ben and Jerry's new hateful values. 

- Boom Intifada Cookie Core
- Everything But The Jews
- Jihadi Coffee Toffee
- Mintifada Chocolate Cookie
- AntiseMint

Forget Peace and Love; Ben and Jerry's moves to adopt Racism and Terror!  

Boycott Unilever and Ben and Jerry's. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Friend via Facebook)


July 19, 2021

Ben and Jerry's Can Drop Dead!

Just wanted to express my firm sentiment that:

Ben and Jerry's can drop dead!

The anti-Semites at Unilever/Ben and Jerry's decided that they would boycott selling their ice cream in the West Bank in Israel. 

Gee, why don't they boycott selling their crappy ice cream to the murderous Assad Regime in Syria or to the radical Mullahs in Iran or the terrorists organizations Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon and so many more outrageous dictators and human rights abusers in the world? Will Ben and Jerry's boycott China where they detain a million Uyghurs in "reeducation" camps or Russia for invading and annexing Crimea? But as we all know, these corrupt bureaucrats wouldn't dare! 

I am convinced deep down that we are dealing simply with hard core anti-Semitic hate-mongers playing executives at Ben and Jerry's. 

Honestly though, it is no loss what-so-ever, since Haagen-Dazs is about a million times better ice cream than Ben and Jerry's ever was or will be.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 16, 2021

Fight Terrorism / Support Israel

(Credit Photo: Andy and Dannielle Blumenthal)

May 15, 2021

Israel's Last Stand

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Last Stand."
It is the mere fact of our Jewish existence that irks our Anti-Semitic, terrorist enemies. This is why the world does not care, and may actually even cheer while Palestinian terror rockets fly overhead, hundreds at a time, into major population centers in Israel. From 5-year old, Ido Avigal, killed by shrapnel in Sderot to an 87-year old woman killed near Ashdod while running from rocket fire, nowhere seems safe, including in cars, homes, walking down the street, and even "safe rooms."
Like it or not, every rocket, every suicide bomber, every attacker will be met and defeated—from north to south and east to west—because the Jewish people will not be driven out; this is our last stand and we will survive.

(Source Photo: Pixabay)

May 13, 2021

Support Israel and the IDF!

 (Photo via Facebook)


August 18, 2019

In Sderot: Bombs and Birthday Cake

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "In Sderot: Bombs and Birthday Cake."
Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and gave it to the Palestinians in a unilateral effort towards peace, but soon after terrorist group, Hamas, took control and has since been raining down missiles on the Israeli civilian population centers around it...Last night, as the missiles came towards Sderot and the Israeli sirens wailed for the people to seek shelter–they have only 15 seconds–the beautiful youth in Noaa’s birthday party ran towards the safe room. What was incredible with these youth, was that rather than stop the celebration and hide in fear and suffering from the missile attacks, instead they courageously continued the party and sang with great strength in Hebrew, Happy Birthday to Noaa!

Let us all learn from these amazing young people of Sderot to have birthday cake in the face of bombs and to celebrate life in the face of death, and let Mashiach soon come and bring us peace in the Promised Land.

(Credit Photo: Miriam Sasy)


May 5, 2019

I Watch With Terror The Rockets Fly

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "I Watch With Terror The Rockets Fly."
I watch with terror the rockets fly.
The plumes of white smoke in the sky.
Randomly, randomly where will they fall.
A car, a home, a factory, a kindergarten.
The shrapnel penetrating the flesh of its victims.
The rockets do not know the difference,
Between military and civilian, men and women, children and old.
Please pray for the peace and security for Israel. ;-)

(Source Photo: Reposted here in video by Israel Foreign Affairs Ministry)

February 11, 2019

The New Faces Of Hate

Representative Illhan Omar claims Congressional lawmakers are bribed to support U.S. friend and ally, Israel:
"It's all about the Benjamins baby".

Representative Rashida Tlaib said about congressional representatives supporting Israel in a bill  that would punish companies that participate in Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) to further Israel's destruction. 
"They forget what country they represent."

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated about Israel's defending their sovereign border with Gaza amidst terrorist organization, Hamas-led violent protests, terror attacks, and infiltrations into Israel:
"This is a massacre. I hope my peers have the moral courage to call it such. No state is absolved of the mass shooting of protesters."
"Silence" around the Palestinian cause "has been a little interesting to me." 

Perhaps, the most concerning thing is where is the Democratic Party leadership in calling out these anti-Semitic hate-mongers in their ranks?

December 15, 2018

Branding Israel

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Israel Rebranded."

For decades, Palestinians terrorists have inflicted on Israelis: stabbings, shootings, vehicular rammings, suicide bombings, terror tunnels, missile attacks, and more. But aside from this overt, violent war of attrition, the Palestinians are simultaneously waging a full-blown “marketing war” against Israel for world opinion. In this war of words and propaganda, the Palestinians get rebranded and so does Israel.

Have faith in the redemption and stand up and speak out against the falsehoods and fake news, so that Israel can have its rightful place among nations and also be a "light unto the nations."  ;-)