
July 22, 2017

Hate Proliferates

I was really surprised to see this sign for White Supremacists right in front of our nation's Capitol like this. 

Identity Evropa is yet another hate group--this one focuses on people of European ancestry and their website claims, "We are the future."

But whether you come from Europe or Asia, the Middle East or Africa, America or the moon, aren't we all just people at the end of the day.

Who cares whether your black or white or yellow or brown, or what religion you practice, or your gender, or sexual orientation, or whether you lean left or right. 

At the end of the day, are we all not flesh, do we all not bleed, have we all not hopes and fears, do we all not answer to the one G-d Above. 

Hate proliferates from our farm belts to our inner cities, from our universities to our board rooms, from the gazillionaire to the guy who has to shovel shit for a living, from our nasty national politics to the United Nations, there is plenty of hate and bias and bigotry to go around. 

Look to the Heavens, cry a bitter tear, your hatred is your self-destruction. 

You will pray with an evil and hate-filled heart and none will answer you. 

The living G-d of Hosts who created us and loves all his children will not stand idly as hate and supremacy of one over another presides. 

The chains of our affliction, the bullet to the back of the head, the noose and the death camps, the whip, the gas, and the ovens, the hunger, the sick experiments, and the slave labor.

Only G-d is supreme over all and those that seek an advantage on the backs of their brethren will find themselves a fiery hell to contend with. 

From just a little gnat to a growing tumor--that is all that it takes to bring justice and re-level the supremacy playing field and teach who is the King of Kings and there is no other. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

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