
September 1, 2016

Sh*t Rolls Downhill

Just ten months ago was the gigantic Vale and BHP Billiton dam collapse disaster in Brazil.

Enough iron-ore mine waste rolled downhill to fill the Dallas Cowboys' Stadium more than 11 times--the waste destroyed villages, killed 19 people, and polluted 400 miles of waterways.

But of course, when the report came out this week, all was supposed to be okay, because that's what insurance and obfuscation about what would be done differently to protect people in the future is all about.

Then yesterday, I stopped by some workmen. 

One was at the top of this hole, and the other was underneath.

Underground, the guy is standing in the muddy water and installing a new meter. 

I talked with the guy above ground about how hard it must be too work in these conditions. 

I asked if there were rats down there, and he said "generally no, because it's sealed off."

Yet, it was obvious how tough these jobs are, where people have to get down into the dirty and do the jobs that others don't even want to think about. 

Further on this, I contemplated how in all jobs and things in life, as they say, "The sh*t rolls downhill!"

Meaning basically that we are still living in a class society, with the elites and everyone else, where the top 1% own as much as the other 99%, and the drudgery of life gets relegated down to the lower-rung masses. 

The lower the rung, the deeper the crap you end up working in and doing for others, and on top of it, getting blamed for whatever goes wrong.

The elites hold the power and can do no wrong, and the mediocrity or impoverished can basically do little or no right--that's why they presumably are where they are--they deserve it (or so we are led/forced to believe)!

On the TV, I heard on the news, one elite defending the corruption of another senior official, saying they did nothing wrong--even though the evidence has already shown they have and moreover, again and again. 

There is no truth to be found in the world of the elites--they wish and will do whatever it takes--lie, steal, collude, and even kill--to remain the powerful, the rich, the honored, and the noble. 

The rest dig the holes and can bury themselves in it for all the elite are concerned--they stand at the top and the sh*t rolls mightily downhill from there. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

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