
June 12, 2016

What Terror Attack?

Haven't we all heard it before...

Another terrorist attack, and there is an appeal for calm.

Radical Islam, no way...we can't even say the words.

I'm sure we'll hear the typical...that it was just a lone crazed gunman.

Forget that he avowed allegiance to ISIS.

And that he had previously been investigated by the FBI.

Also, that it is just 3 days since ISIS threatened to attack Florida.

We need the public to think there is stability and safety, especially right before the election.


The public is perceived as stupid.

Part of the echo chamber with the media. 

Feed them some crap about this being gun violence and attack the 2nd Amendment and call it a day.

The sheep will go back to their slumber and still vote for who the elites tell them to.

Over 50 DEAD.

Over another 50 wounded, many (or most) in CRITICAL CONDITION.

The WORST mass shooting in US history.

We're tough on terrorism...keep repeating that.

Don't flinch when the cameras are on you.

Make a remark that it's because the enemy is angry about GITMO or Palestine or whatever.

In other words, it's justified--we deserve it!

Close GITMO and resolve the Palestinian issue and all will be well in the world and there won't be any more of this terrorist, murderous, violence against civilians, women, children, people at worship or at weddings or at funerals, or going to work in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, or on a bus or train, or sitting in a cafe or pizzeria or club.

Let's stop more sanctions and release more money to Iran, the world #1 sponsor of terrorism.  

Let's leave Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and more...all will be well.

Blood shed, treasure spent. 

Time to go home.

The enemy is not coming here.

Everyone rest assured. 

The unity rally after the attacks in Paris...we're a no show. 

The attack in Tel Aviv last week...tell them to show some restraint. 

Orlando...forget about it, really--it's over.

Let's focus on the election now.

Tell them about glass ceilings and redistributing the wealth--they'll eat that up.

Power, 4 years...maybe 8.

Citizens, sleep well...the Ambien is being carefully administered to each and every one.  Zzzzzz.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

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