
August 15, 2015

Answer Injustice With Justice

So what is amazing about government scandals is not that they happen, because of course, they do. 

But what is amazing is that the American public is frequently denied justice--whether committed under Democratic or Republican administrations.

Maybe this is because the Justice Department is headed by the Attorney General a political appointee of the President, rather than being independent.   

The President oversees all the government agencies in the Executive Branch of the government, including the Department of Justice (DOJ).

When any of the government agencies in the Executive Branch do something wrong, what should happen is that the Department of Justice (including the FBI) would investigate and bring the offenders to justice. 

But instead, a politically motivated President can direct a politicized Justice Department to stand down--and in a sense end up being the "Chief Obstructionist."

Obviously every agency is headed by political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the President and who further the administration's vision, but Justice is unique. 

And if you follow the news, I am sure you can think of more than a few examples where Congress has gotten involved to investigate and even request action by DOJ, but yet nothing seems to happen. 

What is disappointing is that we would like to think that every leader is an icon of righteousness, integrity, and propriety, but instead partisan politics can get in the way, and the leader ends up protecting, whitewashing, or covering up the very wrongdoing that needs to be corrected.

The government system cannot work for the people and the country, if it cannot be accountable to them to do the right thing.

The President--no matter what political affiliation--must assure and be perceived as assuring that everyone under his/her watch is doing the right thing. 

And if and when they stray from serving the people of this country, it should be the President who leads the charge to make it right. 

We all would respect a leader that recognizes and course-corrects when things go astray and does it with integrity and justice--that makes a truly great Democracy.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal)

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