
August 26, 2007

Space Elevator and Enterprise Architecture

In User-centric EA, having a vision for the future is critical in developing the target architecture and transition plan.

At one time, man looked up at the heavens, and imagined that one day people would actually walk on the moon — and on July 21, 1969, this once unbelievable vision became a reality.

Today, some very smart people from Las Alamos National Lab, NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, and MIT are envisioning a space elevator 62,000 miles long that would move along at 120 miles an hour. The top of the elevator would rotate with the earth at 20,000 miles an hour and could be used to springboard to the moon, mars, and beyond. Sounds crazy? Well, NASA has invested millions of dollars and 22 teams (mostly universities) have signed up for a competition to design the space elevator.

The point is that using the imagination to envision the future is a really important part toward actually making the leap forward. The ideas have to start somewhere, and while the ideas need to be moderated and prioritized, big idea thinking is imperative to both evolutionary and revolutionary change. Enterprise architecture is a great place for using creativity, imagination, and vision and opening up often insular organizations to new ideas and ever greater possibilities for the future.

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